messages from 2023-09-05 16:12:17 to 2023-09-06 18:51:14 UTC [more...]
bug#62677: 30.0.50; Need to find a better name for flyspell-prog-mode
2023-09-06 18:51 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#65481: Replace defadvice with advice-add in Tramp manual
2023-09-06 18:34 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#62962: 28.2; blocked key combinations in macos
2023-09-06 18:34 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#65387: [PATCH] New user option 'submit-emacs-patch-display-help'
2023-09-06 18:31 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#65762: [PATCH] ; Fix error in 'tex-recenter-output-buffer'
2023-09-06 16:51 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#65768: Bump persist.el version
2023-09-06 16:39 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#65496: 30.0.50; Issue with the regexp used to auto-detect PBM image data
2023-09-06 16:19 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#65241: 30.0.50; Cannot clone NonGNU ELPA
2023-09-06 16:05 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#65763: Error opening a file from a Git working directory if Git is not installed
2023-09-06 15:59 UTC (15+ messages)
bug#62862: 26.3; Minor bug in (emacs) Shift Selection
2023-09-06 15:39 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#65734: [BUG] kill-whole-line on folded subtrees [9.6.8 (release_9.6.8-3-g21171d @ /home/w/usr/emacs/0/29/0/lisp/org/)]
2023-09-06 15:04 UTC (12+ messages)
bug#65682: 28.2; iCalendar: icalendar-export-region and icalendar-export-file do not like YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM formats that Diary accepts
2023-09-06 14:43 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#65682:
bug#63480: 30.0.50; [BUG] unimplemented logic regarding read-symbol-shorthands
2023-09-06 14:02 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#65509: [PATCH] Use correct env var when opening frames with freedesktop menu entries
2023-09-06 14:01 UTC (19+ messages)
bug#64712: 29.0.92; Emacs 29 with native compilation compiles cl-loaddefs.el on every startup
2023-09-06 13:03 UTC (15+ messages)
bug#60639: Improvement to the Wording of GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual
2023-09-06 12:50 UTC (9+ messages)
bug#65771: 29.1; yank-pop behaviour description in info
2023-09-06 12:44 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#64398: Buffer list
2023-09-06 12:39 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#61652: 28.2; Read-only mode and View mode
2023-09-06 12:08 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#63872: [PATCH] `mouse-drag-and-drop-region' sometimes couldn't cut
2023-09-06 12:07 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#65782: [PATCH] Add missing space in the manual
2023-09-06 12:03 UTC
bug#65726: 29.1.50; Crash in regexp engine
2023-09-06 12:03 UTC (11+ messages)
bug#63395: HiDPI/GTK: menubar height scaled twice in xg_update_frame_menubar()
2023-09-06 11:43 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#64791: 30.0.50; [PATCH] Fix dired mismatch on some filenames
2023-09-06 11:28 UTC (19+ messages)
bug#65766: 29.1; On MS-Windows, Pcomplete for Git subcommands opens a web browser instead of listing completions(?!)
2023-09-06 11:13 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#65137: 29.1; completion-substring-try-completion doesn't return the longest common substring
2023-09-06 11:00 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#64210: Allow ff-other-file-alist to specify which file to create
2023-09-06 10:53 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#65756: 30.0.50; ido-completion-buffer type doesn't allow nil as value
2023-09-06 10:50 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#64819: 30.0.50; condition-wait not interruptible
2023-09-06 9:35 UTC (12+ messages)
bug#60093: 29.0.60; imenu: Variables defined via defvar-keymap are not listed
2023-09-06 9:14 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#60229: [NonGNU ELPA] Change elpher upstream URL from git:// to https://
2023-09-06 8:35 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#50766: Regexp paren pairs in query-replace-regexp prompt should be highlighted
2023-09-06 8:09 UTC (18+ messages)
bug#61210: 28.2; Request to modify code which can accidentally overwrite AUCTeX function
2023-09-06 8:02 UTC (8+ messages)
2023-09-06 7:31 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#61325: 30.0.50; Jokes in GNUS manual
2023-09-06 7:30 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#60157: 30.0.50; [PATCH]: Change interactive form in transpose-chars
2023-09-06 7:08 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#60415: Emacs master doesn't build if !HAVE_TREE_SITTER
2023-09-06 7:02 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#65559: 29.1; New Frame function fails to size the new frame correctly and prints a Gtk-CRITICAL message
2023-09-06 7:00 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#65559: (no subject)
bug#60001: [PATCH] Improve completion of treesit-check-indent command
2023-09-06 6:53 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#60843: 30.0.50; Build failure on old GNU/Linux system
2023-09-06 6:32 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#60423: 29.0.60; goto-address and shr/textsec don't play nicely together
2023-09-06 4:27 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#65027: 30.0.50; [PATCH] Document .elpaignore behavior in the Emacs Lisp manual
2023-09-06 2:22 UTC (11+ messages)
bug#52369: 28.0.90; Assertion failure when running Flycheck unit test suite
2023-09-06 1:58 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#48639: 28.0.50; tabulated-list-mode: columns move if previous entry was too long
2023-09-06 1:57 UTC (9+ messages)
` bug#48639: bug#53133: 28.0.90; tabulated-list-sort doesn't work as expected
bug#53509: Compilation failure of 27.2 on ppc64le
2023-09-06 1:56 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#55738: character escape bugs in the reader
2023-09-06 1:56 UTC (11+ messages)
bug#62208: 30.0.50; [PATCH] save-some-buffers repeatedly asks for saving abbrev file
2023-09-06 1:55 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#60845: 30.0.50; [PATCH] Add tests for Eshell interactive completion (and fix a bug in it)
2023-09-06 1:37 UTC (9+ messages)
bug#60602: 29.0.60; treesit-simple-indent doesn't work for top-level nodes
2023-09-06 0:09 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#60812: 29.0.50; error when using doom-modeline-mode and flymake-mode
2023-09-06 0:08 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#60884: 30.0.50; Compile failure - followup
2023-09-06 0:07 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#60984: 30.0.50; c-ts-mode: indentation styles broken after new brace code
2023-09-06 0:06 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#61029: 28.2; post-command-hook error in nXML mode
2023-09-06 0:06 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#61371: 30.0.50; Adding support for jdt:// file scheme in eglot
2023-09-06 0:05 UTC (7+ messages)
bug#61507: 29.0.60; "free(): invalid pointer" on latest emacs-29 commit when loading init.el
2023-09-06 0:04 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#61534: three Emacs tests fail in en_US.utf8 locale on Ubuntu
2023-09-06 0:04 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#61877: [PATCH] Extract Lisp function examples from shortdoc information
2023-09-06 0:03 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#61887: 30.0.50; Segfault on revert-buffer-with-coding-system
2023-09-06 0:03 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#61896: 30.0.50; Emacs crashes because of an invalid free
2023-09-06 0:02 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#62484: Join INSTALL and INSTALL.REPO
2023-09-06 0:02 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#62484 acknowledged by developer (Re: bug#62484: Join INSTALL and INSTALL.REPO)
bug#61988: error compiling emacs
2023-09-06 0:01 UTC (22+ messages)
` bug#61988: R: "
bug#62518: 30.0.50; Misc Build Warnings
2023-09-05 23:56 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#62823: 29.0.60; Fixing a small leak in tree-sitter search functions
2023-09-05 23:55 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#62858: 30.0.50; Typo in gdb-mi.el
2023-09-05 23:54 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#59789: 29.0.50; admin/notes/tree-sitter/html-manual redundant?
2023-09-05 23:53 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#59973: Request for a windows snapshot
2023-09-05 23:52 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#60088: 29.0.60; Eglot loses messages from gopls
2023-09-05 23:51 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#60198: 30.0.50; Eglot: Spelling error for vscode-json-languageserver
2023-09-05 23:51 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#62302: 30.0.50; c/c++ tree sitter forward-sexp problem
2023-09-05 23:50 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#62751: 29.0.90; New libraries that still need to be assigned to packages
2023-09-05 23:49 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#61703: 29.0.60; Emacs crashes on C-x 8 RET
2023-09-05 23:44 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#61538: Iconifying a frame changes its title
2023-09-05 23:33 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#60652: 30.0.50; tree-sitter: `treesit-inspect-mode' seems to break the undo ring... sometimes?
2023-09-05 23:32 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#60251: 29.0.60; Consider the language at point for tree sitter treesit-inspect-node-at-point
2023-09-05 23:32 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#60660: Support git-formatted patches in diff-mode
2023-09-05 23:30 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#61764: control message for bug #61764
2023-09-05 23:27 UTC
bug#59290: 29.0.50; [PATCH] Buffer-localize temporary-goal-column
2023-09-05 23:05 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#62856: 30.0.50; nongnu.git documentation out of date
2023-09-05 22:08 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#65475: 29.1; package-selected-packages variable is not updated when the last package is deleted
2023-09-05 22:03 UTC (10+ messages)
bug#60646: 28.2; delete-selection-mode
2023-09-05 21:33 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#62214: 28.1; dns-mode: "; " is not a comment if it appears inside "quotes"
2023-09-05 21:09 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#63513: [PATCH] Make persist-defvar work with records and hash tables
2023-09-05 21:06 UTC (11+ messages)
bug#62400: 30.0.50; csharp-mode syntax highlight problem
2023-09-05 20:59 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#65704: 29.1; Most code of `project-ignores' seems to be dead code
2023-09-05 20:22 UTC (9+ messages)
bug#65764: Fix typo in backward-word-strictly
2023-09-05 19:50 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#62893: 30.0.50; ELPA recipes with broken :url property values
2023-09-05 19:42 UTC (4+ messages)
bug#65470: 29.1.50; js-ts-mode: regex pattern can cause incorrect parenthesis matching
2023-09-05 19:31 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#65511: [PATCH] copy-next-command-output suggestion
2023-09-05 18:33 UTC (6+ messages)
bug#65324: "make check" hangs on NetBSD 9.3
2023-09-05 17:56 UTC (5+ messages)
bug#65760: 29.1; eglot performance issue
2023-09-05 17:20 UTC (8+ messages)
bug#58520: Persistent failure to DNS-lookup hostname
2023-09-05 17:06 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#63282: 30.0.50; Phase out `cl-old-struct-compat-mode`
2023-09-05 16:57 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#62988: 30.0.50; Add highlight line-or-region command to pulse.el
2023-09-05 16:24 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#62370: 28.1; sieve-mode: faces should inherit from font-lock-X-face faces
2023-09-05 16:17 UTC (12+ messages)
bug#63055: 26.3; BUGS list online seems broken now - can't show latest N bugs
2023-09-05 16:14 UTC (3+ messages)
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