messages from 2022-03-24 11:56:26 to 2022-03-26 08:03:36 UTC [more...]
bug#54558: mcomix refuses to run, missing GTK libraries
2022-03-26 8:01 UTC (5+ messages)
` bug#54558: [PATCH 1/2] gnu: mcomix: Update to 2.0.1
` bug#54558: [PATCH 2/2] gnu: mcomix: Wrap missing paths
bug#29644: gcc-objc is unusable without its 'gcc' executable
2022-03-26 5:49 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#51817: Git unable to find reference "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD"
2022-03-26 5:06 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#41625: Sporadic guix-offload crashes due to EOF errors
2022-03-26 5:03 UTC (7+ messages)
` bug#41625: [PATCH] offload: Handle a possible EOF response from read-repl-response
` bug#41625: [PATCH v2] "
[bug#54573] [PATCH] gnu: Add xfdashboard
2022-03-26 3:58 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54573: "
Profiling of man-db database generation with zlib vs zstd
2022-03-26 3:22 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#54544: Network Issue
2022-03-26 3:08 UTC (2+ messages)
bug#54557: “fakechroot” execution engine doesn’t work for Bash
2022-03-26 3:03 UTC (3+ messages)
[bug#54576] [PATCH] gnu: dnsmasq: Fix cross-compilation
2022-03-26 2:01 UTC
[bug#54575] [PATCH] gnu: Add xfce4-dict
2022-03-26 2:04 UTC
[bug#54574] [PATCH] gnu: emacs-psc-ide: Update to ce97d71
2022-03-26 1:34 UTC
[bug#54572] [PATCH] gnu: solfege: Remove trailing booleans
2022-03-26 1:15 UTC
[bug#54571] [PATCH] gnu: music21: Patch executables and add missing dependencies
2022-03-26 1:12 UTC
abjad 3.6 and python 3.10
2022-03-26 0:18 UTC
[bug#54570] [PATCH] gnu: Add parole
2022-03-25 23:05 UTC
Hardened toolchain
2022-03-25 22:54 UTC (5+ messages)
[bug#54560] [PATCH 00/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-prometheus-prometheus
2022-03-25 22:55 UTC (79+ messages)
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 01/47] gnu: Add go-google-golang-org-protobuf
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 02/47] gnu: go-github-com-golang-protobuf-proto: Update to 1.5.2
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 03/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-golang-protobuf-ptypes
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 04/47] gnu: go-github-com-prometheus-client-golang: Update to 1.12.1
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 05/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-asaskevich-govalidator
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 06/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-dennwc-varint
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 07/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-edsrzf-mmap-go
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 08/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-logfmt-logfmt
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 09/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-kit-log
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 10/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-stack-stack
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 11/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-josharian-intern
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 12/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-julienschmidt-httprouter
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 13/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-mailru-easyjson
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 14/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-modern-go-concurrent
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 15/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-modern-go-reflect2
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 16/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-montanaflynn-stats
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 17/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-mwitkow-go-conntrack
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 18/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-oklog-run
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 19/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-oklog-ulid
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 20/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-opentracing-contrib-go-stdlib
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 21/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-puerkitobio-urlesc
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 22/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-puerkitobio-purell
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 23/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-shurcool-httpgzip
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 24/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-shurcool-httpfs
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 25/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-shurcool-vfsgen
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 26/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-simonpasquier-klog-gokit
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 27/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-simonpasquier-klog-gokit-v3
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 28/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-tidwall-pretty
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 29/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-uber-jaeger-lib
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 30/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-uber-jaeger-client-go
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 31/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-youmark-pkcs8
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 32/47] gnu: Add go-go-uber-org-goleak
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 33/47] gnu: Add go-gopkg-in-alecthomas-kingpin.v2
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 34/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-json-iterator-go
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 35/47] gnu: Add go-go-mongodb-org-mongo-driver
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 36/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-errors
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 37/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-swag
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 38/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-jsonpointer
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 39/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-jsonreference
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 40/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-spec
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 41/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-strfmt
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 42/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-analysis
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 43/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-loads
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 44/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-go-openapi-validate
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 45/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-prometheus-alertmanager-api
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 46/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-prometheus-exporter-toolkit
` [bug#54560] [PATCH 47/47] gnu: Add go-github-com-prometheus-prometheus
[bug#54529] [PATCH] Added orca-lang package
2022-03-25 21:55 UTC (3+ messages)
` [bug#54529] [PATCH v3] "
[bug#54568] Update to Go 1.17.8, Go 1.16.15
2022-03-25 19:19 UTC
[bug#54539] [PATCH 0/6] Start breaking up import cycles
2022-03-25 19:33 UTC (20+ messages)
Problem when packaging Avizo
2022-03-25 19:26 UTC (5+ messages)
[bug#54569] [PATCH] gnu: cl-yason: Update to 0.7.8
2022-03-25 19:23 UTC
Touchpad tap
2022-03-25 17:44 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#33189: (No Subject)
` bug#33189: Touchpad tap
[bug#54134] [PATCH] services: xorg: Remove xf86-input-synaptics from %default-xorg-modules
2022-03-25 17:43 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#54134: "
[bug#54090] [PATCH 0/2] gnu: Add tessen
2022-03-25 17:14 UTC (5+ messages)
` [bug#54090] [PATCH v3] "
[bug#52578] [PATCH] updating openldap and adding service definition
2022-03-25 15:35 UTC (4+ messages)
` [bug#52578] [PATCH v2 0/2] OpenLDAP service
` [bug#52578] [PATCH v2 1/2] DRAFT gnu: Add openldap-for-services
` [bug#52578] [PATCH v2 2/2] DRAFT services: Add openldap service
[bug#54561] [PATCH 0/4] Add service declarations for Samba
2022-03-25 15:14 UTC (8+ messages)
` [bug#54561] [PATCH 3/4] doc: Add documentation for WSDD service
` [bug#54561] [PATCH 4/4] services: Add wsdd service
` [bug#54561] [PATCH 1/4] services: Add samba service
` [bug#54561] [PATCH 2/4] doc: Add "Samba" chapter
` [bug#54561] [PATCH] gnu: samba: Modify input list
[bug#54539] [PATCH 1/6] gnu: audacity: Move into new module to break cycles
2022-03-25 14:42 UTC (2+ messages)
Windows Subsystem for Linux
2022-03-25 14:20 UTC
The Shepherd on Fibers
2022-03-25 13:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[bug#53523] [PATCH] gnu: Add tree-sitter
2022-03-25 12:49 UTC (3+ messages)
` [bug#53523] [PATCH v7 1/2] "
[bug#54563] [PATCH] gnu: Add wsdd
2022-03-25 11:46 UTC
[bug#54332] [PATCH 0/2] gnu: nftables: small rework
2022-03-25 11:04 UTC (3+ messages)
` [bug#54332] [PATCH 1/2] gnu: nftables: Enable build of manpages
` bug#54332: [PATCH 0/2] gnu: nftables: small rework
[bug#54549] [PATCH] gnu: hwloc: Update to 2.7.1
2022-03-25 11:01 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54549: "
[bug#54527] [PATCH] gnu: Add gigolo
2022-03-25 10:57 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54527: "
[bug#54541] [PATCH] gnu: Add curlie
2022-03-25 10:50 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54541: "
[bug#54533] upgrade Akku
2022-03-25 10:46 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54533: "
[bug#54554] [PATCH] gnu: postgis: Update to 3.2.1
2022-03-25 10:23 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54554: "
[bug#54556] [PATCH] gnu: cl-clack: Update to 6fd0279
2022-03-25 10:23 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54556: "
[bug#54548] [PATCH] gnu: sbcl-contextl: Update to f4fb3f5
2022-03-25 10:22 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#54548: "
Windows Subsystem for Linux
2022-03-25 10:14 UTC (5+ messages)
XDG_CONFIG_DIR and dotfiles handling in Guix Home
2022-03-25 7:11 UTC
Improve the output of `guix refresh -l`
2022-03-25 4:50 UTC (4+ messages)
emacs-company-jedi BUG
2022-03-25 2:56 UTC
[bug#53824] [PATCH] Add the python-databases package
2022-03-24 22:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[bug#53822] [PATCH] Add python-aiopg package
2022-03-24 22:26 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#53822: "
[bug#53821] [PATCH] Add the python-psycopg2-binary package
2022-03-24 22:23 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#53821: "
[bug#53781] [PATCH shepherd] support: Use XDG_STATE_HOME for log files
2022-03-24 22:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` bug#53781: "
Fixing xen build
2022-03-24 21:50 UTC (2+ messages)
[bug#54507] [PATCH v2 1/2] gnu: openfst: Add 1.7.3 for kaldi
2022-03-24 20:01 UTC (9+ messages)
` [bug#54507] [PATCH v2 2/2] gnu: kaldi: Update to dd107fd, bypass tests
` [bug#54507] [PATCH 1/2] gnu: openfst: Add 1.7.3 for kaldi
` [bug#54507] [PATCH v3 0/3] Add openfst 1.7.3 with extensions "
` [bug#54507] [PATCH v3 1/3] gnu: openfst: Add 1.7.3 "
` [bug#54507] [PATCH v3 2/3] gnu: kaldi: Update to dd107fd, bypass tests
` [bug#54507] [PATCH v3 3/3] gnu: openfst-1.7.3: Enable ngram-fst extension & C++14 build
bug#25327: cargo build-system should be able to filter out target.cfg(windows) dependencies
2022-03-24 19:10 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#25327: windows-related dependencies in crates
[bug#54515] [PATCH] gnu: streamlink: Update to 3.2.0
2022-03-24 17:37 UTC (5+ messages)
` [bug#54515] [PATCH v4 0/3] "
` [bug#54515] [PATCH v4 1/3] gnu: python-pycountry: Update to 22.3.5
` [bug#54515] [PATCH v4 2/3] gnu: python-lxml: Update to 4.7.1
` [bug#54515] [PATCH v4 3/3] gnu: streamlink: Update to 3.2.0
[bug#54442] [PATCH] gnu: mpdscribble: Update to 0.24
2022-03-24 17:07 UTC (3+ messages)
` bug#54442: "
The Shepherd on Fibers
2022-03-24 16:57 UTC
[bug#54476] [PATCH] gnu: games: Add robotfindskitten
2022-03-24 15:38 UTC (3+ messages)
[bug#54547] [PATCH] gnu: slurm: Install libpmi2
2022-03-24 15:26 UTC
bug#54546: failed to compute the derivation for (very old) Guix
2022-03-24 15:23 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#54545: [Guix Home] ‘shepherd’ started twice?
2022-03-24 14:21 UTC
bug#26830: Allow services to implement a 'reload' action
2022-03-24 13:52 UTC (7+ messages)
` [bug#26830] "
[bug#44400] [PATCH 0/2] WIP: Add phosh
2022-03-24 13:32 UTC (4+ messages)
` [bug#44400] [PATCH v2 4/4] WIP: gnu: "
` [bug#44400] [PATCH v3 1/5] "
bug#54111: guile bundles (a compiled version of) UnicodeData.txt and binaries
2022-03-24 13:33 UTC (10+ messages)
[bug#51771] [PATCH 2/2] gnu: Add linux-libre-with-waydroid
2022-03-24 13:30 UTC (4+ messages)
` [bug#51771] Linux-libre-with-waydroid
[bug#54482] [PATCH] gnu: Add simavr
2022-03-24 11:58 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#54482: "
[bug#54540] fix URLs of Goran Weinholt's Scheme libraries
2022-03-24 11:58 UTC (2+ messages)
[bug#54485] [PATCH] gnu: Add guile-with-openat
2022-03-24 11:55 UTC (3+ messages)
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