messages from 2021-09-16 14:39:51 to 2021-09-17 01:24:18 UTC [more...]
[bug#50628] [PATCH 000/154] Add 146 Tryton modules and some dependencies
2021-09-16 22:54 UTC (134+ messages)
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 001/154] gnu: Add python-braintree
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 002/154] gnu: Add python-markuppy
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 003/154] gnu: Add python-xlwt
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 004/154] gnu: Add python-tablib
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 005/154] gnu: Add python-csb43
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 006/154] gnu: Add python-febelfin-coda
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 007/154] gnu: Add python-ofxparse
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 008/154] gnu: Add python-stripe
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 009/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-asset
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 010/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-be
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 011/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-cash-rounding
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 012/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-credit-limit
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 013/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-de-skr03
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 014/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-deposit
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 015/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-dunning
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 016/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-dunning-email
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 017/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-dunning-fee
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 018/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-dunning-letter
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 019/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-es
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 020/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-eu
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 021/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-fr
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 022/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-fr-chorus
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 023/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-invoice-correction
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 024/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-invoice-defer
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 025/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-invoice-history
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 026/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 027/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-invoice-secondary-unit
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 028/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-payment
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 029/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-payment-braintree
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 030/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-payment-clearing
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 031/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-payment-sepa
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 032/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-payment-sepa-cfonb
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 033/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-payment-stripe
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 034/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-statement
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 035/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-statement-aeb43
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 036/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-statement-coda
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 037/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-statement-ofx
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 038/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-statement-rule
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 039/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 040/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-stock-continental
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 041/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-stock-landed-cost
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 042/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-stock-landed-cost-weight
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 043/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-tax-cash
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 044/154] gnu: Add trytond-account-tax-rule-country
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 045/154] gnu: Add trytond-analytic-invoice
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 046/154] gnu: Add trytond-analytic-purchase
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 047/154] gnu: Add trytond-analytic-sale
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 048/154] gnu: Add trytond-attendance
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 049/154] gnu: Add trytond-authentication-sms
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 050/154] gnu: Add trytond-bank
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 051/154] gnu: Add trytond-carrier
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 052/154] gnu: Add trytond-carrier-percentage
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 053/154] gnu: Add trytond-carrier-subdivision
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 054/154] gnu: Add trytond-carrier-weight
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 055/154] gnu: Add trytond-commission
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 056/154] gnu: Add trytond-commission-waiting
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 057/154] gnu: Add trytond-company-work-time
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 058/154] gnu: Add trytond-customs
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 059/154] gnu: Add trytond-dashboard
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 060/154] gnu: Add trytond-edocument-uncefact
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 061/154] gnu: Add trytond-edocument-unece
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 062/154] gnu: Add trytond-incoterm
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 063/154] gnu: Add trytond-ldap-authentication
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 064/154] gnu: Add trytond-marketing
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 065/154] gnu: Add trytond-marketing-automation
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 066/154] gnu: Add trytond-marketing-email
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 067/154] gnu: Add trytond-notification-email
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 068/154] gnu: Add trytond-party-avatar
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 069/154] gnu: Add trytond-party-relationship
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 070/154] gnu: Add trytond-party-siret
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 071/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-attribute
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 072/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-classification
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 073/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-classification-taxonomic
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 074/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-cost-fifo
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 075/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-cost-history
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 076/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-cost-warehouse
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 077/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-kit
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 078/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-measurements
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 079/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-price-list
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 080/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-price-list-dates
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 081/154] gnu: Add trytond-product-price-list-parent
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 082/154] gnu: Add trytond-production
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 083/154] gnu: Add trytond-production-outsourcing
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 084/154] gnu: Add trytond-production-routing
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 085/154] gnu: Add trytond-production-split
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 086/154] gnu: Add trytond-production-work
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 087/154] gnu: Add trytond-production-work-timesheet
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 088/154] gnu: Add trytond-project
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 089/154] gnu: Add trytond-project-invoice
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 090/154] gnu: Add trytond-project-plan
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 091/154] gnu: Add trytond-project-revenue
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 092/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-amendment
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 093/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-history
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 094/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 095/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-price-list
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 096/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-request-quotation
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 097/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-requisition
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 098/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-secondary-unit
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 099/154] gnu: Add trytond-purchase-shipment-cost
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 100/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 101/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-advance-payment
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 102/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-amendment
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 103/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-complaint
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 104/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-credit-limit
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 105/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-discount
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 106/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-extra
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 107/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-gift-card
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 108/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-history
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 109/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-invoice-grouping
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 110/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-opportunity
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 111/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-payment
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 112/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-price-list
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 113/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-product-customer
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 114/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-promotion
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 115/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-promotion-coupon
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 116/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-secondary-unit
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 117/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-shipment-cost
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 118/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-shipment-grouping
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 119/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-shipment-tolerance
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 120/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-stock-quantity
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 121/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-subscription
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 122/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-subscription-asset
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 123/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-supply
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 124/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-supply-drop-shipment
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 125/154] gnu: Add trytond-sale-supply-production
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 126/154] gnu: Add trytond-stock-assign-manual
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 130/154] gnu: Add trytond-stock-location-move
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 131/154] gnu: Add trytond-stock-location-sequence
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 137/154] gnu: Add trytond-stock-product-location
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 138/154] gnu: Add trytond-stock-quantity-early-planning
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 139/154] gnu: Add trytond-stock-quantity-issue
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 144/154] gnu: Add trytond-stock-supply-day
` [bug#50628] [PATCH 153/154] gnu: Add trytond-web-shortener
[bug#50295] [PATCH 0/6] Update Tryton ERP applications and framework to 6.0.x
2021-09-16 23:09 UTC (7+ messages)
` [bug#50295] [PATCH 4/6] gnu: tryton modules: Unify native-inputs
` bug#50295: Acknowledgement ([PATCH 0/6] Update Tryton ERP applications and framework to 6.0.x.)
[bug#50614] [PATCH core-updates] build: utils: Add ‘optional’ macro
2021-09-17 0:37 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#50606: Add support for other formats of Guix channels
2021-09-16 23:44 UTC (8+ messages)
[bug#50359] [PATCH] import: Add 'generic-git' updater
2021-09-16 23:42 UTC (5+ messages)
` [bug#50359] [PATCH 3/3] "
[bug#50620] [PATCH 1/2] guix: packages: Document 'computed-origin-method'
2021-09-16 23:38 UTC (3+ messages)
eudev deprecation
2021-09-16 20:56 UTC (2+ messages)
[bug#50425] [PATCH] gnu: Add minetest-advtrains
2021-09-16 20:44 UTC (12+ messages)
` bug#50425: "
[bug#50326] [PATCH cuirass] Add systemd unit file for remote worker service
2021-09-16 20:17 UTC (4+ messages)
` [bug#50326] [PATCH cuirass v2] "
` bug#50326: "
[bug#50438] [PATCH] gnu: thunar: Update to 4.17.1
2021-09-16 19:59 UTC (6+ messages)
` bug#50438: "
[bug#50627] [PATCH 0/2] Make wayland-protocols dependency native-input
2021-09-16 19:57 UTC (4+ messages)
` [bug#50627] [PATCH 1/2] gnu: gtk: Move wayland-protocols to native-inputs
` [bug#50627] [PATCH 2/2] gnu: Fix wayland-protocols dependency to be in native-inputs
[bug#50428] [PATCH] gnu: Add cryfs
2021-09-16 19:56 UTC (4+ messages)
` bug#50428: "
[bug#50358] [PATCH core-updates-frozen 1/8] guix: packages: Fix repacking of plain tarballs
2021-09-16 19:56 UTC (7+ messages)
` [bug#50358] [PATCH core-updates-frozen 8/8] gnu: fontconfig: Add a search path for XDG_DATA_DIRS
` [bug#50358] [PATCH core-updates-frozen 0/8] Shortened Rust bootstrap & other fixes
[bug#49969] [PATCH v7 0/7] gnu: Add greetd-service-type and seatd-service-type
2021-09-16 19:47 UTC (9+ messages)
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 0/7] Update libseat and seatd to 0.6.2
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 1/7] gnu: crates-io: Add rust-enquote 1.0.3 and rust-pam-sys 0.5.6
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 2/7] gnu: admin: Add greetd 0.8.0
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 3/7] gnu: admin: Add greetd-pam-mount
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 4/7] gnu: base: Add greetd-service-type
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 5/7] gnu: admin: Add libseat 0.6.2 and move seatd
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 6/7] gnu: desktop: Add seatd-service-type
` [bug#49969] [PATCH v8 7/7] gnu: tests: Add seatd/greetd based minimal desktop system tests
bug#50568: Missing source code
2021-09-16 19:45 UTC (7+ messages)
Rethinking propagated inputs?
2021-09-16 18:01 UTC (6+ messages)
[bug#50018] [PATCH 00/19] Update Celery to version 5
2021-09-16 16:21 UTC (23+ messages)
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 00/21] "
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 01/21] gnu: Add python-click-repl
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 02/21] gnu: Add python-click-didyoumean
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 03/21] gnu: Add python-pytest-subtests
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 04/21] gnu: python-cfn-lint: Respect #:tests?
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 05/21] gnu: python-botocore: Update to 1.21.42
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 06/21] gnu: python-s3transfer: Update to 0.5.0
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 07/21] gnu: python-boto3: Update to 1.18.42
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 08/21] gnu: awscli: Update to 1.20.42
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 09/21] gnu: python-aws-sam-translator: Change source for tests
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 10/21] gnu: python-moto: Update to 2.2.7
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 11/21] gnu: python-moto: Respect #:tests?
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 12/21] gnu: python-vine: Update to 5.0.0
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 13/21] gnu: Add python-pytest-rerunfailures
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 14/21] gnu: python-amqp: Update to 5.0.6
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 15/21] gnu: python-kombu: Update to 5.1.0
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 16/21] gnu: Add python-pytest-celery
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 17/21] gnu: python-celery: Update to 5.1.2
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 18/21] gnu: python-celery: Enable tests
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 19/21] gnu: Remove python2-celery
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 20/21] gnu: Remove python2-kombu
` [bug#50018] [PATCH v3 21/21] gnu: Remove python2-amqp
How to solve "abiI-check: recompilation needed"
2021-09-16 16:47 UTC (3+ messages)
bug#50617: [core-updates-frozen] CMake fails to build on i686-linux
2021-09-16 16:21 UTC (4+ messages)
[bug#50442] [PATCH] gnu: xygrib: Fix finding resources in the data directory
2021-09-16 15:42 UTC (4+ messages)
` [bug#50442] [PATCH core-updates-frozen v2] "
` bug#50442: "
bug#50625: ghostscript shell scripts refer to unqualified external commands
2021-09-16 15:28 UTC
[bug#50623] [PATCH] gnu: ocaml-re: Update to 1.10.3
2021-09-16 15:16 UTC
bug#50624: Importing (gnu packages lxqt) in gnu/packages/kde-frameworks.scm causes unbound variable error
2021-09-16 15:18 UTC
bug#50605: go: Commit d36c73b8a8f breaks `go tool`
2021-09-16 14:36 UTC (2+ messages)
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