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From: "Ludovic Courtès" <>
Cc: "Ludovic Courtès" <>
Subject: [bug#56898] [PATCH 01/13] style: Move reader and printer to (guix read-print).
Date: Tue,  2 Aug 2022 23:44:07 +0200	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

* guix/scripts/style.scm (<comment>, read-with-comments)
(vhashq, %special-forms, %newline-forms, prefix?)
(special-form-lead, newline-form?, escaped-string)
(string-width, canonicalize-comment, pretty-print-with-comments)
(object->string*): Move to...
* guix/read-print.scm: ... here.  New file.
* guix/scripts/import.scm: Adjust accordingly.
* tests/style.scm: Move 'test-pretty-print' and tests to...
* tests/read-print.scm: ... here.  New file.
* (MODULES): Add 'guix/read-print.scm'.
(SCM_TESTS): Add 'tests/read-print.scm'.
---             |   2 +
 guix/read-print.scm     | 490 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 guix/scripts/import.scm |   4 +-
 guix/scripts/style.scm  | 457 +------------------------------------
 tests/read-print.scm    | 209 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/style.scm         | 181 ---------------
 6 files changed, 705 insertions(+), 638 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 guix/read-print.scm
 create mode 100644 tests/read-print.scm

diff --git a/ b/
index e5363140fb..2cda20e61c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ MODULES =					\
   guix/cve.scm					\
   guix/workers.scm				\
   guix/least-authority.scm			\
+  guix/read-print.scm				\
   guix/ipfs.scm					\
   guix/platform.scm                             \
   guix/platforms/arm.scm                        \
@@ -524,6 +525,7 @@ SCM_TESTS =					\
   tests/profiles.scm				\
   tests/publish.scm				\
   tests/pypi.scm				\
+  tests/read-print.scm				\
   tests/records.scm				\
   tests/scripts.scm				\
   tests/search-paths.scm			\
diff --git a/guix/read-print.scm b/guix/read-print.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69ab8ac8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/read-print.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (guix read-print)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 control)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+  #:export (pretty-print-with-comments
+            read-with-comments
+            object->string*
+            comment?
+            comment->string
+            comment-margin?
+            canonicalize-comment))
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This module provides a comment-preserving reader and a comment-preserving
+;;; pretty-printer smarter than (ice-9 pretty-print).
+;;; Code:
+;;; Comment-preserving reader.
+;; A comment.
+(define-record-type <comment>
+  (comment str margin?)
+  comment?
+  (str     comment->string)
+  (margin? comment-margin?))
+(define (read-with-comments port)
+  "Like 'read', but include <comment> objects when they're encountered."
+  ;; Note: Instead of implementing this functionality in 'read' proper, which
+  ;; is the best approach long-term, this code is a layer on top of 'read',
+  ;; such that we don't have to rely on a specific Guile version.
+  (define dot (list 'dot))
+  (define (dot? x) (eq? x dot))
+  (define (reverse/dot lst)
+    ;; Reverse LST and make it an improper list if it contains DOT.
+    (let loop ((result '())
+               (lst lst))
+      (match lst
+        (() result)
+        (((? dot?) . rest)
+         (let ((dotted (reverse rest)))
+           (set-cdr! (last-pair dotted) (car result))
+           dotted))
+        ((x . rest) (loop (cons x result) rest)))))
+  (let loop ((blank-line? #t)
+             (return (const 'unbalanced)))
+    (match (read-char port)
+      ((? eof-object? eof)
+       eof)                                       ;oops!
+      (chr
+       (cond ((eqv? chr #\newline)
+              (loop #t return))
+             ((char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace chr)
+              (loop blank-line? return))
+             ((memv chr '(#\( #\[))
+              (let/ec return
+                (let liip ((lst '()))
+                  (liip (cons (loop (match lst
+                                      (((? comment?) . _) #t)
+                                      (_ #f))
+                                    (lambda ()
+                                      (return (reverse/dot lst))))
+                              lst)))))
+             ((memv chr '(#\) #\]))
+              (return))
+             ((eq? chr #\')
+              (list 'quote (loop #f return)))
+             ((eq? chr #\`)
+              (list 'quasiquote (loop #f return)))
+             ((eq? chr #\,)
+              (list (match (peek-char port)
+                      (#\@
+                       (read-char port)
+                       'unquote-splicing)
+                      (_
+                       'unquote))
+                    (loop #f return)))
+             ((eqv? chr #\;)
+              (unread-char chr port)
+              (comment (read-line port 'concat)
+                       (not blank-line?)))
+             (else
+              (unread-char chr port)
+              (match (read port)
+                ((and token '#{.}#)
+                 (if (eq? chr #\.) dot token))
+                (token token))))))))
+;;; Comment-preserving pretty-printer.
+(define-syntax vhashq
+  (syntax-rules (quote)
+    ((_) vlist-null)
+    ((_ (key (quote (lst ...))) rest ...)
+     (vhash-consq key '(lst ...) (vhashq rest ...)))
+    ((_ (key value) rest ...)
+     (vhash-consq key '((() . value)) (vhashq rest ...)))))
+(define %special-forms
+  ;; Forms that are indented specially.  The number is meant to be understood
+  ;; like Emacs' 'scheme-indent-function' symbol property.  When given an
+  ;; alist instead of a number, the alist gives "context" in which the symbol
+  ;; is a special form; for instance, context (modify-phases) means that the
+  ;; symbol must appear within a (modify-phases ...) expression.
+  (vhashq
+   ('begin 1)
+   ('lambda 2)
+   ('lambda* 2)
+   ('match-lambda 1)
+   ('match-lambda* 2)
+   ('define 2)
+   ('define* 2)
+   ('define-public 2)
+   ('define*-public 2)
+   ('define-syntax 2)
+   ('define-syntax-rule 2)
+   ('define-module 2)
+   ('define-gexp-compiler 2)
+   ('let 2)
+   ('let* 2)
+   ('letrec 2)
+   ('letrec* 2)
+   ('match 2)
+   ('when 2)
+   ('unless 2)
+   ('package 1)
+   ('origin 1)
+   ('operating-system 1)
+   ('modify-inputs 2)
+   ('modify-phases 2)
+   ('add-after '(((modify-phases) . 3)))
+   ('add-before '(((modify-phases) . 3)))
+   ('replace '(((modify-phases) . 2)))         ;different from 'modify-inputs'
+   ('substitute* 2)
+   ('substitute-keyword-arguments 2)
+   ('call-with-input-file 2)
+   ('call-with-output-file 2)
+   ('with-output-to-file 2)
+   ('with-input-from-file 2)))
+(define %newline-forms
+  ;; List heads that must be followed by a newline.  The second argument is
+  ;; the context in which they must appear.  This is similar to a special form
+  ;; of 1, except that indent is 1 instead of 2 columns.
+  (vhashq
+   ('arguments '(package))
+   ('sha256 '(origin source package))
+   ('base32 '(sha256 origin))
+   ('git-reference '(uri origin source))
+   ('search-paths '(package))
+   ('native-search-paths '(package))
+   ('search-path-specification '())))
+(define (prefix? candidate lst)
+  "Return true if CANDIDATE is a prefix of LST."
+  (let loop ((candidate candidate)
+             (lst lst))
+    (match candidate
+      (() #t)
+      ((head1 . rest1)
+       (match lst
+         (() #f)
+         ((head2 . rest2)
+          (and (equal? head1 head2)
+               (loop rest1 rest2))))))))
+(define (special-form-lead symbol context)
+  "If SYMBOL is a special form in the given CONTEXT, return its number of
+arguments; otherwise return #f.  CONTEXT is a stack of symbols lexically
+surrounding SYMBOL."
+  (match (vhash-assq symbol %special-forms)
+    (#f #f)
+    ((_ . alist)
+     (any (match-lambda
+            ((prefix . level)
+             (and (prefix? prefix context) (- level 1))))
+          alist))))
+(define (newline-form? symbol context)
+  "Return true if parenthesized expressions starting with SYMBOL must be
+followed by a newline."
+  (match (vhash-assq symbol %newline-forms)
+    (#f #f)
+    ((_ . prefix)
+     (prefix? prefix context))))
+(define (escaped-string str)
+  "Return STR with backslashes and double quotes escaped.  Everything else, in
+particular newlines, is left as is."
+  (list->string
+   `(#\"
+     ,@(string-fold-right (lambda (chr lst)
+                            (match chr
+                              (#\" (cons* #\\ #\" lst))
+                              (#\\ (cons* #\\ #\\ lst))
+                              (_   (cons chr lst))))
+                          '()
+                          str)
+     #\")))
+(define (string-width str)
+  "Return the \"width\" of STR--i.e., the width of the longest line of STR."
+  (apply max (map string-length (string-split str #\newline))))
+(define (canonicalize-comment c)
+  "Canonicalize comment C, ensuring it has the \"right\" number of leading
+  (let ((line (string-trim-both
+               (string-trim (comment->string c) (char-set #\;)))))
+    (comment (string-append
+              (if (comment-margin? c)
+                  ";"
+                  (if (string-null? line)
+                      ";;"                        ;no trailing space
+                      ";; "))
+              line "\n")
+             (comment-margin? c))))
+(define* (pretty-print-with-comments port obj
+                                     #:key
+                                     (format-comment identity)
+                                     (indent 0)
+                                     (max-width 78)
+                                     (long-list 5))
+  "Pretty-print OBJ to PORT, attempting to at most MAX-WIDTH character columns
+and assuming the current column is INDENT.  Comments present in OBJ are
+included in the output.
+Lists longer than LONG-LIST are written as one element per line.  Comments are
+passed through FORMAT-COMMENT before being emitted; a useful value for
+FORMAT-COMMENT is 'canonicalize-comment'."
+  (define (list-of-lists? head tail)
+    ;; Return true if HEAD and TAIL denote a list of lists--e.g., a list of
+    ;; 'let' bindings.
+    (match head
+      ((thing _ ...)                              ;proper list
+       (and (not (memq thing
+                       '(quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing)))
+            (pair? tail)))
+      (_ #f)))
+  (let loop ((indent indent)
+             (column indent)
+             (delimited? #t)                  ;true if comes after a delimiter
+             (context '())                    ;list of "parent" symbols
+             (obj obj))
+    (define (print-sequence context indent column lst delimited?)
+      (define long?
+        (> (length lst) long-list))
+      (let print ((lst lst)
+                  (first? #t)
+                  (delimited? delimited?)
+                  (column column))
+        (match lst
+          (()
+           column)
+          ((item . tail)
+           (define newline?
+             ;; Insert a newline if ITEM is itself a list, or if TAIL is long,
+             ;; but only if ITEM is not the first item.  Also insert a newline
+             ;; before a keyword.
+             (and (or (pair? item) long?
+                      (and (keyword? item)
+                           (not (eq? item #:allow-other-keys))))
+                  (not first?) (not delimited?)
+                  (not (comment? item))))
+           (when newline?
+             (newline port)
+             (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
+           (let ((column (if newline? indent column)))
+             (print tail
+                    (keyword? item)      ;keep #:key value next to one another
+                    (comment? item)
+                    (loop indent column
+                          (or newline? delimited?)
+                          context
+                          item)))))))
+    (define (sequence-would-protrude? indent lst)
+      ;; Return true if elements of LST written at INDENT would protrude
+      ;; beyond MAX-WIDTH.  This is implemented as a cheap test with false
+      ;; negatives to avoid actually rendering all of LST.
+      (find (match-lambda
+              ((? string? str)
+               (>= (+ (string-width str) 2 indent) max-width))
+              ((? symbol? symbol)
+               (>= (+ (string-width (symbol->string symbol)) indent)
+                   max-width))
+              ((? boolean?)
+               (>= (+ 2 indent) max-width))
+              (()
+               (>= (+ 2 indent) max-width))
+              (_                                  ;don't know
+               #f))
+            lst))
+    (define (special-form? head)
+      (special-form-lead head context))
+    (match obj
+      ((? comment? comment)
+       (if (comment-margin? comment)
+           (begin
+             (display " " port)
+             (display (comment->string (format-comment comment))
+                      port))
+           (begin
+             ;; When already at the beginning of a line, for example because
+             ;; COMMENT follows a margin comment, no need to emit a newline.
+             (unless (= column indent)
+               (newline port)
+               (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
+             (display (comment->string (format-comment comment))
+                      port)))
+       (display (make-string indent #\space) port)
+       indent)
+      (('quote lst)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "'" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 1 2)) #t context lst))
+      (('quasiquote lst)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "`" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 1 2)) #t context lst))
+      (('unquote lst)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "," port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 1 2)) #t context lst))
+      (('unquote-splicing lst)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display ",@" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context lst))
+      (('gexp lst)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "#~" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context lst))
+      (('ungexp obj)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "#$" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context obj))
+      (('ungexp-native obj)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "#+" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context obj))
+      (('ungexp-splicing lst)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "#$@" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 3 4)) #t context lst))
+      (('ungexp-native-splicing lst)
+       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+       (display "#+@" port)
+       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 3 4)) #t context lst))
+      (((? special-form? head) arguments ...)
+       ;; Special-case 'let', 'lambda', 'modify-inputs', etc. so the second
+       ;; and following arguments are less indented.
+       (let* ((lead    (special-form-lead head context))
+              (context (cons head context))
+              (head    (symbol->string head))
+              (total   (length arguments)))
+         (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+         (display "(" port)
+         (display head port)
+         (unless (zero? lead)
+           (display " " port))
+         ;; Print the first LEAD arguments.
+         (let* ((indent (+ column 2
+                                  (if delimited? 0 1)))
+                (column (+ column 1
+                                  (if (zero? lead) 0 1)
+                                  (if delimited? 0 1)
+                                  (string-length head)))
+                (initial-indent column))
+           (define new-column
+             (let inner ((n lead)
+                         (arguments (take arguments (min lead total)))
+                         (column column))
+               (if (zero? n)
+                   (begin
+                     (newline port)
+                     (display (make-string indent #\space) port)
+                     indent)
+                   (match arguments
+                     (() column)
+                     ((head . tail)
+                      (inner (- n 1) tail
+                             (loop initial-indent column
+                                   (= n lead)
+                                   context
+                                   head)))))))
+           ;; Print the remaining arguments.
+           (let ((column (print-sequence
+                          context indent new-column
+                          (drop arguments (min lead total))
+                          #t)))
+             (display ")" port)
+             (+ column 1)))))
+      ((head tail ...)
+       (let* ((overflow? (>= column max-width))
+              (column    (if overflow?
+                             (+ indent 1)
+                             (+ column (if delimited? 1 2))))
+              (newline?  (or (newline-form? head context)
+                             (list-of-lists? head tail))) ;'let' bindings
+              (context   (cons head context)))
+         (if overflow?
+             (begin
+               (newline port)
+               (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
+             (unless delimited? (display " " port)))
+         (display "(" port)
+         (let* ((new-column (loop column column #t context head))
+                (indent (if (or (>= new-column max-width)
+                                (not (symbol? head))
+                                (sequence-would-protrude?
+                                 (+ new-column 1) tail)
+                                newline?)
+                            column
+                            (+ new-column 1))))
+           (when newline?
+             ;; Insert a newline right after HEAD.
+             (newline port)
+             (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
+           (let ((column
+                  (print-sequence context indent
+                                  (if newline? indent new-column)
+                                  tail newline?)))
+             (display ")" port)
+             (+ column 1)))))
+      (_
+       (let* ((str (if (string? obj)
+                       (escaped-string obj)
+                       (object->string obj)))
+              (len (string-width str)))
+         (if (and (> (+ column 1 len) max-width)
+                  (not delimited?))
+             (begin
+               (newline port)
+               (display (make-string indent #\space) port)
+               (display str port)
+               (+ indent len))
+             (begin
+               (unless delimited? (display " " port))
+               (display str port)
+               (+ column (if delimited? 0 1) len))))))))
+(define (object->string* obj indent . args)
+  "Pretty-print OBJ with INDENT columns as the initial indent.  ARGS are
+passed as-is to 'pretty-print-with-comments'."
+  (call-with-output-string
+    (lambda (port)
+      (apply pretty-print-with-comments port obj
+             #:indent indent
+             args))))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/import.scm b/guix/scripts/import.scm
index 71ab4b4fed..bd3cfd2dc3 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/import.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/import.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2014, 2020-2022 Ludovic Courtès <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2014 David Thompson <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2018 Kyle Meyer <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2019, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (define-module (guix scripts import)
   #:use-module (guix ui)
   #:use-module (guix scripts)
-  #:use-module (guix scripts style)
+  #:use-module (guix read-print)
   #:use-module (guix utils)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
diff --git a/guix/scripts/style.scm b/guix/scripts/style.scm
index 9fd652beb1..e2530e80c0 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/style.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/style.scm
@@ -37,468 +37,15 @@ (define-module (guix scripts style)
   #:use-module (guix utils)
   #:use-module (guix i18n)
   #:use-module (guix diagnostics)
+  #:use-module (guix read-print)
   #:use-module (ice-9 control)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
-  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
-  #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-37)
-  #:export (pretty-print-with-comments
-            read-with-comments
-            canonicalize-comment
-            guix-style))
-;;; Comment-preserving reader.
-;; A comment.
-(define-record-type <comment>
-  (comment str margin?)
-  comment?
-  (str     comment->string)
-  (margin? comment-margin?))
-(define (read-with-comments port)
-  "Like 'read', but include <comment> objects when they're encountered."
-  ;; Note: Instead of implementing this functionality in 'read' proper, which
-  ;; is the best approach long-term, this code is a layer on top of 'read',
-  ;; such that we don't have to rely on a specific Guile version.
-  (define dot (list 'dot))
-  (define (dot? x) (eq? x dot))
-  (define (reverse/dot lst)
-    ;; Reverse LST and make it an improper list if it contains DOT.
-    (let loop ((result '())
-               (lst lst))
-      (match lst
-        (() result)
-        (((? dot?) . rest)
-         (let ((dotted (reverse rest)))
-           (set-cdr! (last-pair dotted) (car result))
-           dotted))
-        ((x . rest) (loop (cons x result) rest)))))
-  (let loop ((blank-line? #t)
-             (return (const 'unbalanced)))
-    (match (read-char port)
-      ((? eof-object? eof)
-       eof)                                       ;oops!
-      (chr
-       (cond ((eqv? chr #\newline)
-              (loop #t return))
-             ((char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace chr)
-              (loop blank-line? return))
-             ((memv chr '(#\( #\[))
-              (let/ec return
-                (let liip ((lst '()))
-                  (liip (cons (loop (match lst
-                                      (((? comment?) . _) #t)
-                                      (_ #f))
-                                    (lambda ()
-                                      (return (reverse/dot lst))))
-                              lst)))))
-             ((memv chr '(#\) #\]))
-              (return))
-             ((eq? chr #\')
-              (list 'quote (loop #f return)))
-             ((eq? chr #\`)
-              (list 'quasiquote (loop #f return)))
-             ((eq? chr #\,)
-              (list (match (peek-char port)
-                      (#\@
-                       (read-char port)
-                       'unquote-splicing)
-                      (_
-                       'unquote))
-                    (loop #f return)))
-             ((eqv? chr #\;)
-              (unread-char chr port)
-              (comment (read-line port 'concat)
-                       (not blank-line?)))
-             (else
-              (unread-char chr port)
-              (match (read port)
-                ((and token '#{.}#)
-                 (if (eq? chr #\.) dot token))
-                (token token))))))))
-;;; Comment-preserving pretty-printer.
-(define-syntax vhashq
-  (syntax-rules (quote)
-    ((_) vlist-null)
-    ((_ (key (quote (lst ...))) rest ...)
-     (vhash-consq key '(lst ...) (vhashq rest ...)))
-    ((_ (key value) rest ...)
-     (vhash-consq key '((() . value)) (vhashq rest ...)))))
-(define %special-forms
-  ;; Forms that are indented specially.  The number is meant to be understood
-  ;; like Emacs' 'scheme-indent-function' symbol property.  When given an
-  ;; alist instead of a number, the alist gives "context" in which the symbol
-  ;; is a special form; for instance, context (modify-phases) means that the
-  ;; symbol must appear within a (modify-phases ...) expression.
-  (vhashq
-   ('begin 1)
-   ('lambda 2)
-   ('lambda* 2)
-   ('match-lambda 1)
-   ('match-lambda* 2)
-   ('define 2)
-   ('define* 2)
-   ('define-public 2)
-   ('define*-public 2)
-   ('define-syntax 2)
-   ('define-syntax-rule 2)
-   ('define-module 2)
-   ('define-gexp-compiler 2)
-   ('let 2)
-   ('let* 2)
-   ('letrec 2)
-   ('letrec* 2)
-   ('match 2)
-   ('when 2)
-   ('unless 2)
-   ('package 1)
-   ('origin 1)
-   ('operating-system 1)
-   ('modify-inputs 2)
-   ('modify-phases 2)
-   ('add-after '(((modify-phases) . 3)))
-   ('add-before '(((modify-phases) . 3)))
-   ('replace '(((modify-phases) . 2)))         ;different from 'modify-inputs'
-   ('substitute* 2)
-   ('substitute-keyword-arguments 2)
-   ('call-with-input-file 2)
-   ('call-with-output-file 2)
-   ('with-output-to-file 2)
-   ('with-input-from-file 2)))
-(define %newline-forms
-  ;; List heads that must be followed by a newline.  The second argument is
-  ;; the context in which they must appear.  This is similar to a special form
-  ;; of 1, except that indent is 1 instead of 2 columns.
-  (vhashq
-   ('arguments '(package))
-   ('sha256 '(origin source package))
-   ('base32 '(sha256 origin))
-   ('git-reference '(uri origin source))
-   ('search-paths '(package))
-   ('native-search-paths '(package))
-   ('search-path-specification '())))
-(define (prefix? candidate lst)
-  "Return true if CANDIDATE is a prefix of LST."
-  (let loop ((candidate candidate)
-             (lst lst))
-    (match candidate
-      (() #t)
-      ((head1 . rest1)
-       (match lst
-         (() #f)
-         ((head2 . rest2)
-          (and (equal? head1 head2)
-               (loop rest1 rest2))))))))
-(define (special-form-lead symbol context)
-  "If SYMBOL is a special form in the given CONTEXT, return its number of
-arguments; otherwise return #f.  CONTEXT is a stack of symbols lexically
-surrounding SYMBOL."
-  (match (vhash-assq symbol %special-forms)
-    (#f #f)
-    ((_ . alist)
-     (any (match-lambda
-            ((prefix . level)
-             (and (prefix? prefix context) (- level 1))))
-          alist))))
-(define (newline-form? symbol context)
-  "Return true if parenthesized expressions starting with SYMBOL must be
-followed by a newline."
-  (match (vhash-assq symbol %newline-forms)
-    (#f #f)
-    ((_ . prefix)
-     (prefix? prefix context))))
-(define (escaped-string str)
-  "Return STR with backslashes and double quotes escaped.  Everything else, in
-particular newlines, is left as is."
-  (list->string
-   `(#\"
-     ,@(string-fold-right (lambda (chr lst)
-                            (match chr
-                              (#\" (cons* #\\ #\" lst))
-                              (#\\ (cons* #\\ #\\ lst))
-                              (_   (cons chr lst))))
-                          '()
-                          str)
-     #\")))
-(define (string-width str)
-  "Return the \"width\" of STR--i.e., the width of the longest line of STR."
-  (apply max (map string-length (string-split str #\newline))))
-(define (canonicalize-comment c)
-  "Canonicalize comment C, ensuring it has the \"right\" number of leading
-  (let ((line (string-trim-both
-               (string-trim (comment->string c) (char-set #\;)))))
-    (comment (string-append
-              (if (comment-margin? c)
-                  ";"
-                  (if (string-null? line)
-                      ";;"                        ;no trailing space
-                      ";; "))
-              line "\n")
-             (comment-margin? c))))
-(define* (pretty-print-with-comments port obj
-                                     #:key
-                                     (format-comment identity)
-                                     (indent 0)
-                                     (max-width 78)
-                                     (long-list 5))
-  "Pretty-print OBJ to PORT, attempting to at most MAX-WIDTH character columns
-and assuming the current column is INDENT.  Comments present in OBJ are
-included in the output.
-Lists longer than LONG-LIST are written as one element per line.  Comments are
-passed through FORMAT-COMMENT before being emitted; a useful value for
-FORMAT-COMMENT is 'canonicalize-comment'."
-  (define (list-of-lists? head tail)
-    ;; Return true if HEAD and TAIL denote a list of lists--e.g., a list of
-    ;; 'let' bindings.
-    (match head
-      ((thing _ ...)                              ;proper list
-       (and (not (memq thing
-                       '(quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing)))
-            (pair? tail)))
-      (_ #f)))
-  (let loop ((indent indent)
-             (column indent)
-             (delimited? #t)                  ;true if comes after a delimiter
-             (context '())                    ;list of "parent" symbols
-             (obj obj))
-    (define (print-sequence context indent column lst delimited?)
-      (define long?
-        (> (length lst) long-list))
-      (let print ((lst lst)
-                  (first? #t)
-                  (delimited? delimited?)
-                  (column column))
-        (match lst
-          (()
-           column)
-          ((item . tail)
-           (define newline?
-             ;; Insert a newline if ITEM is itself a list, or if TAIL is long,
-             ;; but only if ITEM is not the first item.  Also insert a newline
-             ;; before a keyword.
-             (and (or (pair? item) long?
-                      (and (keyword? item)
-                           (not (eq? item #:allow-other-keys))))
-                  (not first?) (not delimited?)
-                  (not (comment? item))))
-           (when newline?
-             (newline port)
-             (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
-           (let ((column (if newline? indent column)))
-             (print tail
-                    (keyword? item)      ;keep #:key value next to one another
-                    (comment? item)
-                    (loop indent column
-                          (or newline? delimited?)
-                          context
-                          item)))))))
-    (define (sequence-would-protrude? indent lst)
-      ;; Return true if elements of LST written at INDENT would protrude
-      ;; beyond MAX-WIDTH.  This is implemented as a cheap test with false
-      ;; negatives to avoid actually rendering all of LST.
-      (find (match-lambda
-              ((? string? str)
-               (>= (+ (string-width str) 2 indent) max-width))
-              ((? symbol? symbol)
-               (>= (+ (string-width (symbol->string symbol)) indent)
-                   max-width))
-              ((? boolean?)
-               (>= (+ 2 indent) max-width))
-              (()
-               (>= (+ 2 indent) max-width))
-              (_                                  ;don't know
-               #f))
-            lst))
-    (define (special-form? head)
-      (special-form-lead head context))
-    (match obj
-      ((? comment? comment)
-       (if (comment-margin? comment)
-           (begin
-             (display " " port)
-             (display (comment->string (format-comment comment))
-                      port))
-           (begin
-             ;; When already at the beginning of a line, for example because
-             ;; COMMENT follows a margin comment, no need to emit a newline.
-             (unless (= column indent)
-               (newline port)
-               (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
-             (display (comment->string (format-comment comment))
-                      port)))
-       (display (make-string indent #\space) port)
-       indent)
-      (('quote lst)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "'" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 1 2)) #t context lst))
-      (('quasiquote lst)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "`" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 1 2)) #t context lst))
-      (('unquote lst)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "," port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 1 2)) #t context lst))
-      (('unquote-splicing lst)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display ",@" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context lst))
-      (('gexp lst)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "#~" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context lst))
-      (('ungexp obj)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "#$" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context obj))
-      (('ungexp-native obj)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "#+" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 2 3)) #t context obj))
-      (('ungexp-splicing lst)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "#$@" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 3 4)) #t context lst))
-      (('ungexp-native-splicing lst)
-       (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-       (display "#+@" port)
-       (loop indent (+ column (if delimited? 3 4)) #t context lst))
-      (((? special-form? head) arguments ...)
-       ;; Special-case 'let', 'lambda', 'modify-inputs', etc. so the second
-       ;; and following arguments are less indented.
-       (let* ((lead    (special-form-lead head context))
-              (context (cons head context))
-              (head    (symbol->string head))
-              (total   (length arguments)))
-         (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-         (display "(" port)
-         (display head port)
-         (unless (zero? lead)
-           (display " " port))
-         ;; Print the first LEAD arguments.
-         (let* ((indent (+ column 2
-                                  (if delimited? 0 1)))
-                (column (+ column 1
-                                  (if (zero? lead) 0 1)
-                                  (if delimited? 0 1)
-                                  (string-length head)))
-                (initial-indent column))
-           (define new-column
-             (let inner ((n lead)
-                         (arguments (take arguments (min lead total)))
-                         (column column))
-               (if (zero? n)
-                   (begin
-                     (newline port)
-                     (display (make-string indent #\space) port)
-                     indent)
-                   (match arguments
-                     (() column)
-                     ((head . tail)
-                      (inner (- n 1) tail
-                             (loop initial-indent column
-                                   (= n lead)
-                                   context
-                                   head)))))))
-           ;; Print the remaining arguments.
-           (let ((column (print-sequence
-                          context indent new-column
-                          (drop arguments (min lead total))
-                          #t)))
-             (display ")" port)
-             (+ column 1)))))
-      ((head tail ...)
-       (let* ((overflow? (>= column max-width))
-              (column    (if overflow?
-                             (+ indent 1)
-                             (+ column (if delimited? 1 2))))
-              (newline?  (or (newline-form? head context)
-                             (list-of-lists? head tail))) ;'let' bindings
-              (context   (cons head context)))
-         (if overflow?
-             (begin
-               (newline port)
-               (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
-             (unless delimited? (display " " port)))
-         (display "(" port)
-         (let* ((new-column (loop column column #t context head))
-                (indent (if (or (>= new-column max-width)
-                                (not (symbol? head))
-                                (sequence-would-protrude?
-                                 (+ new-column 1) tail)
-                                newline?)
-                            column
-                            (+ new-column 1))))
-           (when newline?
-             ;; Insert a newline right after HEAD.
-             (newline port)
-             (display (make-string indent #\space) port))
-           (let ((column
-                  (print-sequence context indent
-                                  (if newline? indent new-column)
-                                  tail newline?)))
-             (display ")" port)
-             (+ column 1)))))
-      (_
-       (let* ((str (if (string? obj)
-                       (escaped-string obj)
-                       (object->string obj)))
-              (len (string-width str)))
-         (if (and (> (+ column 1 len) max-width)
-                  (not delimited?))
-             (begin
-               (newline port)
-               (display (make-string indent #\space) port)
-               (display str port)
-               (+ indent len))
-             (begin
-               (unless delimited? (display " " port))
-               (display str port)
-               (+ column (if delimited? 0 1) len))))))))
-(define (object->string* obj indent . args)
-  (call-with-output-string
-    (lambda (port)
-      (apply pretty-print-with-comments port obj
-             #:indent indent
-             args))))
+  #:export (guix-style))
diff --git a/tests/read-print.scm b/tests/read-print.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9ba1127d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/read-print.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (tests-style)
+  #:use-module (guix read-print)
+  #:use-module (guix gexp)                        ;for the reader extensions
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-64))
+(define-syntax-rule (test-pretty-print str args ...)
+  "Test equality after a round-trip where STR is passed to
+'read-with-comments' and the resulting sexp is then passed to
+  (test-equal str
+    (call-with-output-string
+      (lambda (port)
+        (let ((exp (call-with-input-string str
+                     read-with-comments)))
+         (pretty-print-with-comments port exp args ...))))))
+(test-begin "read-print")
+(test-equal "read-with-comments: dot notation"
+  (cons 'a 'b)
+  (call-with-input-string "(a . b)"
+    read-with-comments))
+(test-pretty-print "(list 1 2 3 4)")
+(test-pretty-print "((a . 1) (b . 2))")
+(test-pretty-print "(a b c . boom)")
+(test-pretty-print "(list 1
+                          2
+                          3
+                          4)"
+                   #:long-list 3
+                   #:indent 20)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(list abc
+      def)"
+                   #:max-width 11)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+ #:bar)"
+                   #:max-width 10)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(#:first 1
+ #:second 2
+ #:third 3)")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+  1)
+ (y
+  2)
+ (z
+  3))"
+                   #:max-width 3)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(let ((x 1)
+      (y 2)
+      (z 3)
+      (p 4))
+  (+ x y))"
+                   #:max-width 11)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(lambda (x y)
+  ;; This is a procedure.
+  (let ((z (+ x y)))
+    (* z z)))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+#~(string-append #$coreutils \"/bin/uname\")")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+  (inherit coreutils)
+  (version \"42\"))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(modify-phases %standard-phases
+  (add-after 'unpack 'post-unpack
+    (lambda _
+      #t))
+  (add-before 'check 'pre-check
+    (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+      do things ...)))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(#:phases (modify-phases sdfsdf
+            (add-before 'x 'y
+              (lambda _
+                xyz))))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(description \"abcdefghijkl
+                   #:max-width 30)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+ \"abcdefghijkl
+                   #:max-width 12)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+ \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\")"
+                   #:max-width 33)
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(modify-phases %standard-phases
+  (replace 'build
+    ;; Nicely indented in 'modify-phases' context.
+    (lambda _
+      #t)))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(modify-inputs inputs
+  ;; Regular indentation for 'replace' here.
+  (replace \"gmp\" gmp))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+  ;; Here 'sha256', 'base32', and 'arguments' must be
+  ;; immediately followed by a newline.
+  (source (origin
+            (method url-fetch)
+            (sha256
+             (base32
+              \"not a real base32 string\"))))
+  (arguments
+   '(#:phases %standard-phases
+     #:tests? #f)))")
+;; '#:key value' is kept on the same line.
+(test-pretty-print "\
+  (name \"keyword-value-same-line\")
+  (arguments
+   (list #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+                      (add-before 'x 'y
+                        (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+                          (foo bar baz))))
+         #:make-flags #~'(\"ANSWER=42\")
+         #:tests? #f)))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(let ((x 1)
+      (y 2)
+      (z (let* ((a 3)
+                (b 4))
+           (+ a b))))
+  (list x y z))")
+(test-pretty-print "\
+(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments x)
+  ((#:phases phases)
+   `(modify-phases ,phases
+      (add-before 'build 'do-things
+        (lambda _
+          #t))))
+  ((#:configure-flags flags)
+   `(cons \"--without-any-problem\"
+          ,flags)))")
+(test-equal "pretty-print-with-comments, canonicalize-comment"
+  "\
+(list abc
+      ;; Not a margin comment.
+      ;; Ditto.
+      ;;
+      ;; There's a blank line above.
+      def ;margin comment
+      ghi)"
+  (let ((sexp (call-with-input-string
+                  "\
+(list abc
+  ;Not a margin comment.
+  ;;;  Ditto.
+  ;;;;;
+  ; There's a blank line above.
+  def  ;; margin comment
+  ghi)"
+                read-with-comments)))
+    (call-with-output-string
+      (lambda (port)
+        (pretty-print-with-comments port sexp
+                                    #:format-comment
+                                    canonicalize-comment)))))
diff --git a/tests/style.scm b/tests/style.scm
index 55bad2b3ba..4ac5ae7c09 100644
--- a/tests/style.scm
+++ b/tests/style.scm
@@ -113,17 +113,6 @@ (define* (read-package-field package field #:optional (count 1))
       (lambda (port)
         (read-lines port line count)))))
-(define-syntax-rule (test-pretty-print str args ...)
-  "Test equality after a round-trip where STR is passed to
-'read-with-comments' and the resulting sexp is then passed to
-  (test-equal str
-    (call-with-output-string
-      (lambda (port)
-        (let ((exp (call-with-input-string str
-                     read-with-comments)))
-         (pretty-print-with-comments port exp args ...))))))
 (test-begin "style")
@@ -377,176 +366,6 @@ (define file
       (list (package-inputs (@ (my-packages) my-coreutils))
             (read-package-field (@ (my-packages) my-coreutils) 'inputs 4)))))
-(test-equal "read-with-comments: dot notation"
-  (cons 'a 'b)
-  (call-with-input-string "(a . b)"
-    read-with-comments))
-(test-pretty-print "(list 1 2 3 4)")
-(test-pretty-print "((a . 1) (b . 2))")
-(test-pretty-print "(a b c . boom)")
-(test-pretty-print "(list 1
-                          2
-                          3
-                          4)"
-                   #:long-list 3
-                   #:indent 20)
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(list abc
-      def)"
-                   #:max-width 11)
-(test-pretty-print "\
- #:bar)"
-                   #:max-width 10)
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(#:first 1
- #:second 2
- #:third 3)")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-  1)
- (y
-  2)
- (z
-  3))"
-                   #:max-width 3)
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(let ((x 1)
-      (y 2)
-      (z 3)
-      (p 4))
-  (+ x y))"
-                   #:max-width 11)
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(lambda (x y)
-  ;; This is a procedure.
-  (let ((z (+ x y)))
-    (* z z)))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-#~(string-append #$coreutils \"/bin/uname\")")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-  (inherit coreutils)
-  (version \"42\"))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(modify-phases %standard-phases
-  (add-after 'unpack 'post-unpack
-    (lambda _
-      #t))
-  (add-before 'check 'pre-check
-    (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-      do things ...)))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(#:phases (modify-phases sdfsdf
-            (add-before 'x 'y
-              (lambda _
-                xyz))))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(description \"abcdefghijkl
-                   #:max-width 30)
-(test-pretty-print "\
- \"abcdefghijkl
-                   #:max-width 12)
-(test-pretty-print "\
- \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\")"
-                   #:max-width 33)
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(modify-phases %standard-phases
-  (replace 'build
-    ;; Nicely indented in 'modify-phases' context.
-    (lambda _
-      #t)))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(modify-inputs inputs
-  ;; Regular indentation for 'replace' here.
-  (replace \"gmp\" gmp))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-  ;; Here 'sha256', 'base32', and 'arguments' must be
-  ;; immediately followed by a newline.
-  (source (origin
-            (method url-fetch)
-            (sha256
-             (base32
-              \"not a real base32 string\"))))
-  (arguments
-   '(#:phases %standard-phases
-     #:tests? #f)))")
-;; '#:key value' is kept on the same line.
-(test-pretty-print "\
-  (name \"keyword-value-same-line\")
-  (arguments
-   (list #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
-                      (add-before 'x 'y
-                        (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                          (foo bar baz))))
-         #:make-flags #~'(\"ANSWER=42\")
-         #:tests? #f)))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(let ((x 1)
-      (y 2)
-      (z (let* ((a 3)
-                (b 4))
-           (+ a b))))
-  (list x y z))")
-(test-pretty-print "\
-(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments x)
-  ((#:phases phases)
-   `(modify-phases ,phases
-      (add-before 'build 'do-things
-        (lambda _
-          #t))))
-  ((#:configure-flags flags)
-   `(cons \"--without-any-problem\"
-          ,flags)))")
-(test-equal "pretty-print-with-comments, canonicalize-comment"
-  "\
-(list abc
-      ;; Not a margin comment.
-      ;; Ditto.
-      ;;
-      ;; There's a blank line above.
-      def ;margin comment
-      ghi)"
-  (let ((sexp (call-with-input-string
-                  "\
-(list abc
-  ;Not a margin comment.
-  ;;;  Ditto.
-  ;;;;;
-  ; There's a blank line above.
-  def  ;; margin comment
-  ghi)"
-                read-with-comments)))
-    (call-with-output-string
-      (lambda (port)
-        (pretty-print-with-comments port sexp
-                                    #:format-comment
-                                    canonicalize-comment)))))

  reply	other threads:[~2022-08-02 21:47 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 17+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2022-08-02 21:42 [bug#56898] [PATCH 00/13] Put the pretty printer to good use Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44 ` Ludovic Courtès [this message]
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 02/13] read-print: Add System and Home special forms Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 03/13] read-print: Expose comment constructor Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 04/13] read-print: Introduce <blank> parent class of <comment> Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 05/13] style: Adjust test to not emit blank lines Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 06/13] read-print: Read and render vertical space Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 07/13] read-print: Recognize page breaks Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 08/13] read-print: Add code to read and write sequences of expressions/blanks Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 09/13] read-print: 'canonicalize-comment' leaves top-level comments unchanged Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 10/13] style: Add '--whole-file' option Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 11/13] read-print: Support printing multi-line comments Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 12/13] installer: Render the final configuration with (guix read-print) Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-02 21:44   ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 13/13] installer: Add comments and vertical space to the generated config Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-07 10:50 ` [bug#56898] [PATCH 00/13] Put the pretty printer to good use Mathieu Othacehe
2022-08-07 20:18   ` Ludovic Courtès
2022-08-09  9:42 ` bug#56898: " Ludovic Courtès

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