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From: Philip McGrath <>
Cc: Timothy Sample <>,
	Pierre Langlois <>,
	Jelle Licht <>,
	Philip McGrath <>,
	Liliana Marie Prikler <>
Subject: [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 03/41] guix: node-build-system: Add JSON utilities.
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 02:38:41 -0500	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

This commit adds several utility functions for non-destructive
transformation of the JSON representation used by (guix build json),
particularly for purely functional update of JSON objects.  They should
eventually be exported, but most are private for now to allow for more
experience and consideration before commiting to the API.  The design
was largely inspired by the 'racket/dict' and 'racket/hash' libraries.
Liliana Marie Prikler proposed 'with-atomic-json-file-replacement'.

* guix/build/node-build-system.scm (jsobject-ref):
(jsobject-union): New private procedures.
(with-atomic-json-file-replacement): New exported procedure.
(module-name): Use them.
(build): Use them.
(patch-dependencies): Use them.  Stop using 'assoc-set!' unsafely.

Co-authored-by: Liliana Marie Prikler <>
 guix/build/node-build-system.scm | 275 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 251 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guix/build/node-build-system.scm b/guix/build/node-build-system.scm
index dcaa719f40..e5c4da5091 100644
--- a/guix/build/node-build-system.scm
+++ b/guix/build/node-build-system.scm
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ (define-module (guix build node-build-system)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:export (%standard-phases
+            with-atomic-json-file-replacement
 ;; Commentary:
@@ -34,6 +35,237 @@ (define-module (guix build node-build-system)
 ;; Code:
+;;; JSON utilities.
+;;; The following procedures facilitate transforming JSON values using the
+;;; representation from (guix build json), particularly purely functional
+;;; update of JSON objects.  If we decide to make more of them public, we
+;;; might instead put them in their own file or, eventually, add them to
+;;; (guix build json).
+;;; JSON objects with duplicate keys are not interoperable: see RFC 8259 § 4.
+;;; These procedures assume, but generally do not check, that JSON objects
+;;; given to them as arguments do not have duplicate keys.  As long as that
+;;; precondition is satisfied, they will produce JSON objects without
+;;; duplicate keys.  Procedures that operate on unwrapped assosciation lists
+;;; may do likewise, which should be considered before exporting them for
+;;; general use.
+(define (with-atomic-json-file-replacement file proc)
+  "Like 'with-atomic-file-replacement', but PROC is called with a single
+argument---the result of parsing FILE's contents as json---and should a value
+to be written as json to the replacement FILE."
+  (with-atomic-file-replacement file
+    (lambda (in out)
+      (write-json (proc (read-json in)) out))))
+(define (jsobject-ref js key failure-result)
+  "Return the value assosciated with KEY in the json object JS.  If KEY is not
+found and FAILURE-RESULT is a procedure, it is called in tail position with
+zero arguments.  Otherwise, FAILURE-RESULT is returned."
+  ;; TODO: `failure-result` should be optional, but should the default
+  ;; `failure-result` be #f (like `assoc-ref`), a thunk raising an exception,
+  ;; '(@), or something else?  Keep it mandatory until we discuss and decide.
+  (match js
+    (('@ . alist)
+     (match (assoc key alist)
+       (#f
+        (if (procedure? failure-result)
+            (failure-result)
+            failure-result))
+       ((_ . value)
+        value)))))
+(define (alist-pop alist key)
+  "Return two values: the first pair in ALIST with the given KEY in its
+'car' (or #f, if no such pair exists) and an assosciation list like (and
+potentially sharing storage with) ALIST, but with no entry for KEY."
+  (match (assoc key alist)
+    ;; If key isn't present, we don't need to do any allocation
+    (#f
+     (values #f alist))
+    (found
+     (values found
+             ;; Because we have `found`, we can find it more
+             ;; efficiently this time with `eq?`. We avoid using
+             ;; `delq` because it would copy pairs in a shared
+             ;; tail. We assume a sufficiently smart compiler to
+             ;; handle "tail recursion modulo cons" (vid. e.g. Indiana
+             ;; University Technical Report No. 19, Friedman & Wise
+             ;; 1975) at least as efficiently as a hand-written
+             ;; tail-recursive implementation with an accumulator.
+             (let loop ((alist alist))
+               (match alist
+                 ;; We know that `found` is present,
+                 ;; so no need to check for '()
+                 ((this . alist)
+                  (if (eq? this found)
+                      alist
+                      (cons this (loop alist))))))))))
+;; Sadly, Guile's implementation of (@ (srfi srfi-1) alist-delete)
+;; performs unnecessary allocation, e.g. this currently evaluates to #f:
+;;     (let ((alist `(("a" . 1)("b" . 2)("c" . 3))))
+;;       (eq? alist (alist-delete "x" alist)))
+;; These functions generally choose to allocate a new outer pair (with the '@
+;; tag), even though in unusual cases the resulting object might not have
+;; changed, for the sake of simplicity and to avoid retaining a reference to
+;; the original alist longer than necessary. But that is O(1) allocation that
+;; could only rarely be avoided: `alist-delete` would allocate O(n) pairs,
+;; which would only be necessary in the worst case.
+(define (alist-delete* alist key)
+  "Return an assosciation list like (and potentially sharing storage with)
+ALIST, but with no entry for KEY."
+  (define-values (_popped remaining)
+    (alist-pop alist key))
+  remaining)
+(define (jsobject-delete js key)
+  "Return a json object like JS, but with no entry for KEY."
+  (cons '@ (match js
+             (('@ . alist)
+              (alist-delete* alist key)))))
+(define (alist-set alist key value)
+  "Return an assosciation list like ALIST, but with KEY mapped to VALUE,
+replacing any existing mapping for KEY."
+  (acons key value (alist-delete* alist key)))
+(define (jsobject-set js key value)
+  "Return a json object like JS, but with KEY mapped to VALUE, replacing any
+existing mapping for KEY."
+  (cons '@ (match js
+             (('@ . alist)
+              (alist-set alist key value)))))
+(define jsobject-set*
+  (case-lambda
+    "Return a json object like JS, but functionally extended by mapping each
+KEY to each VALUE, replacing any existing mapping for each KEY.  The update
+takes place from left to right, so later mappings overwrite earlier mappings
+for the same KEY."
+    ((js)
+     js)
+    ((js key value)
+     (jsobject-set js key value))
+    ((js . args)
+     (cons '@ (match js
+                (('@ . alist)
+                 (let loop ((alist alist)
+                            (args args))
+                   (match args
+                     (()
+                     alist)
+                     ((key value . args)
+                      (loop (alist-set alist key value)
+                            args))))))))))
+(define (alist-update alist key failure-result updater)
+  "Return an assosciation list like ALIST, but with KEY mapped to the result
+of applying UPDATER to the value to which KEY is mapped in ALIST.  When ALIST
+does not have an existing mapping for KEY, FAILURE-RESULT is used as with
+'jsobject-ref' to obtain the argument for UPDATER."
+  ;; Often, `updater` will be a lambda expression, so making it the last
+  ;; argument may help to makes the code legible, and the most likely
+  ;; `failure-result` arguments are all shorter than the keyword
+  ;; `#:failure-result`.  Plus, making `failure-result` mandatory helps make
+  ;; `alist-update` consistent with `alist-update*`.
+  (define-values (popped tail-alist)
+    (alist-pop alist key))
+  (acons key
+         (updater (match popped
+                    (#f
+                     (if (procedure? failure-result)
+                         (failure-result)
+                         failure-result))
+                    ((_ . value)
+                     value)))
+         tail-alist))
+(define (jsobject-update js key failure-result updater)
+  "Return a json object like JS, but with KEY mapped to the result of applying
+UPDATER to the value to which KEY is mapped in JS.  When JS does not have an
+existing mapping for KEY, FAILURE-RESULT is used as with 'jsobject-ref' to
+obtain the argument for UPDATER."
+  (cons '@ (match js
+             (('@ . alist)
+              (alist-update alist key failure-result updater)))))
+(define jsobject-update*
+  (case-lambda
+    "Return a json object like JS, but functionally extended by replacing the
+mapping for each KEY with the result of applying the corresponding UPDATER to
+the value to which that KEY is mapped in JS---or, if no such mapping exists,
+to a value based on the corresponding FAILURE-RESULT as with 'jsobject-ref'.
+The update takes place from left to right, so later UPDATERs will receive the
+values returned by earlier UPDATERs for the same KEY."
+    ((js)
+     js)
+    ((js key failure-result updater)
+     (jsobject-update js key failure-result updater))
+    ((js . args)
+     (cons '@ (match js
+                (('@ . alist)
+                 (let loop ((alist alist)
+                            (args args))
+                   (match args
+                     (()
+                     alist)
+                     ((key failure-result updater . args)
+                      (loop (alist-update alist key failure-result updater)
+                            args))))))))))
+(define* (jsobject-union #:key
+                         (combine (lambda (a b) b))
+                         (combine/key (lambda (k a b) (combine a b)))
+                         #:rest json-objects)
+  "Combine the given JSON-OBJECTS into a single json object.  The JSON-OBJECTS
+are merged from left to right by adding each key/value pair of each object to
+the aggregate object in turn.  When one of the JSON-OBJECTS contains a mapping
+from some key KEY to a value VAL such that the aggregate object already
+contains a mapping from KEY to a value VAL0, the aggregate object is
+functionally updated to instead map KEY to the value of (COMBINE/KEY KEY VAL0
+VAL).  The default COMBINE/KEY tail-calls (COMBINE VAL0 VAL), and the default
+COMBINE simply returns its second argument, so, by default, mappings in later
+JSON-OBJECTS supersede those in earlier ones."
+  (match (filter (lambda (v)
+                   (not (or (keyword? v)
+                            (procedure? v))))
+                 json-objects)
+    (()
+     '(@))
+    (((and js0 ('@ . _)))
+     js0)
+    ((('@ . alist0) ('@ . alist*) ...)
+     (cons '@ (fold (lambda (alist1 alist0)
+                      (if (null? alist0)
+                          alist1
+                          (fold (lambda (k+v alist0)
+                                  (match k+v
+                                    ((k . v)
+                                     (define-values (popped tail-alist)
+                                       (alist-pop alist0 k))
+                                     (match popped
+                                       (#f
+                                        (cons k+v tail-alist))
+                                       ((_ . v0)
+                                        (acons k
+                                               (combine/key k v0 v)
+                                               tail-alist))))))
+                                alist0
+                                alist1)))
+                    alist0
+                    alist*)))))
+;;; Phases.
 (define (set-home . _)
   (with-directory-excursion ".."
     (let loop ((i 0))
@@ -49,7 +281,7 @@ (define (set-home . _)
 (define (module-name module)
   (let* ((package.json (string-append module "/package.json"))
          (package-meta (call-with-input-file package.json read-json)))
-    (assoc-ref package-meta "name")))
+    (jsobject-ref package-meta "name" #f)))
 (define (index-modules input-paths)
   (define (list-modules directory)
@@ -73,27 +305,24 @@ (define* (patch-dependencies #:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
   (define index (index-modules (map cdr inputs)))
-  (define (resolve-dependencies package-meta meta-key)
-    (fold (lambda (key+value acc)
-            (match key+value
-              ('@ acc)
-              ((key . value) (acons key (hash-ref index key value) acc))))
-          '()
-          (or (assoc-ref package-meta meta-key) '())))
+  (define resolve-dependencies
+    (match-lambda
+      (('@ . alist)
+       (cons '@ (map (match-lambda
+                       ((key . value)
+                        (cons key (hash-ref index key value))))
+                     alist)))))
-  (with-atomic-file-replacement "package.json"
-    (lambda (in out)
-      (let ((package-meta (read-json in)))
-        (assoc-set! package-meta "dependencies"
-                    (append
-                     '(@)
-                     (resolve-dependencies package-meta "dependencies")
-                     (resolve-dependencies package-meta "peerDependencies")))
-        (assoc-set! package-meta "devDependencies"
-                    (append
-                     '(@)
-                     (resolve-dependencies package-meta "devDependencies")))
-        (write-json package-meta out))))
+  (with-atomic-json-file-replacement "package.json"
+    (lambda (pkg-meta)
+      (jsobject-update*
+       pkg-meta
+       "devDependencies" '(@) resolve-dependencies
+       "dependencies" '(@) (lambda (deps)
+                             (resolve-dependencies
+                              (jsobject-union
+                               (jsobject-ref pkg-meta "peerDependencies" '(@))
+                               deps))))))
 (define* (delete-lockfiles #:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
@@ -114,9 +343,7 @@ (define* (configure #:key outputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
 (define* (build #:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
   (let ((package-meta (call-with-input-file "package.json" read-json)))
-    (if (and=> (assoc-ref package-meta "scripts")
-               (lambda (scripts)
-                 (assoc-ref scripts "build")))
+    (if (jsobject-ref (jsobject-ref package-meta "scripts" '(@)) "build" #f)
         (let ((npm (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "node") "/bin/npm")))
           (invoke npm "run" "build"))
         (format #t "there is no build script to run~%"))

  parent reply	other threads:[~2021-12-30  7:42 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 458+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2021-11-14 12:41 [bug#51838] [PATCH 00/11] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 12:58 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 01/11] gnu: node: Avoid duplicating build phases Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 02/11] gnu: node: Update to 10.24.1 for bootstrapping Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 03/11] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 20:44       ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-20  4:26         ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 01/26] gnu: node: Avoid duplicating build phases Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 02/26] gnu: node: Update to 10.24.1 for bootstrapping Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 03/26] gnu: node: Patch shebangs in node_modules Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 04/26] gnu: node: Add an npmrc file to set nodedir Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 05/26] guix: node-build-system: Add #:absent-dependencies argument Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  7:41               ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-20 17:04                 ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-20 20:24                   ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-28 19:27               ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 00/11] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Timothy Sample
2021-12-02 21:50                 ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 06/26] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use #:absent-dependencies Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  7:43               ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 07/26] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 08/26] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 09/26] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 10/26] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  7:44               ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-20 17:09                 ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-23 11:04               ` Jelle Licht
2021-11-28 19:35                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 00/11] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Timothy Sample
2021-12-02 21:18                   ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-03  5:17                     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-08 20:27                       ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 00/43] " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:27                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 01/43] gnu: node: Avoid duplicating build phases Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:27                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 02/43] gnu: node: Update to 10.24.1 for bootstrapping Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:27                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 03/43] gnu: node: Patch shebangs in node_modules Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:27                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 04/43] gnu: node: Add an npmrc file to set nodedir Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 15:19                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 20:19                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                               ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 00/45] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 01/45] gnu: node: Avoid duplicating build phases Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 02/45] gnu: node: Update to 10.24.1 for bootstrapping Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 03/45] gnu: node: Patch shebangs in node_modules Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 04/45] gnu: node: Add an npmrc file to set nodedir Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 05/45] guix: node-build-system: Add delete-lockfiles phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 06/45] guix: node-build-system: Refactor patch-dependencies phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 07/45] guix: node-build-system: Add #:absent-dependencies argument Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 08/45] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use #:absent-dependencies Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 09/45] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 10/45] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 11/45] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 12/45] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 13/45] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 14/45] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 15/45] gnu: node-semver: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 16/45] gnu: node-wrappy: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 17/45] gnu: node-once: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 18/45] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 19/45] gnu: node-irc: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 20/45] guix: node-build-system: Add implicit libuv input Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 21/45] guix: node-build-system: Add avoid-node-gyp-rebuild phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 22/45] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 23/45] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 24/45] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 25/45] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 26/45] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 27/45] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 28/45] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 29/45] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 30/45] gnu: Add node-file-uri-to-path Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 31/45] gnu: Add node-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 32/45] gnu: Add node-segfault-handler Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 33/45] gnu: Add node-ms Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 34/45] gnu: Add node-debug Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 35/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-binding-abstract Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 36/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-delimiter Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:00                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 37/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-readling Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 38/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 39/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-regex Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 40/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-ready Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 41/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-inter-byte-timeout Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 42/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-cctalk Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 43/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-byte-length Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 44/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-13  6:01                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v4 45/45] gnu: Add node-serialport Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 00/45] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 01/45] gnu: node: Avoid duplicating build phases Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 02/45] gnu: node: Update to 10.24.1 for bootstrapping Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 03/45] gnu: node: Patch shebangs in node_modules Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 04/45] gnu: node: Add an npmrc file to set nodedir Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 05/45] guix: node-build-system: Add delete-lockfiles phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 06/45] guix: node-build-system: Refactor patch-dependencies phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  4:29                                     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-18 17:03                                       ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-18 17:52                                         ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-18 18:59                                           ` Timothy Sample
2021-12-20 18:03                                           ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-20 19:54                                             ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-21  3:40                                               ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 07/45] guix: node-build-system: Add #:absent-dependencies argument Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  4:43                                     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-17 15:46                                       ` Timothy Sample
2021-12-17 19:40                                         ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-18  2:48                                           ` Timothy Sample
2021-12-18  8:30                                             ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-18 18:31                                               ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-18 20:49                                                 ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-18 22:55                                                   ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-19  1:02                                                     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-20 19:33                                                       ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-20 20:15                                                         ` Timothy Sample
2021-12-20 22:00                                                           ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-21  3:59                                                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-21  5:20                                                               ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-21 18:25                                                                 ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-21 20:44                                                                   ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-23  4:41                                                                     ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-23  5:19                                                                     ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-23 18:12                                                                       ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 00/41] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 01/41] guix: node-build-system: Add delete-lockfiles phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 02/41] guix: node-build-system: Add implicit libuv input Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` Philip McGrath [this message]
2021-12-30 16:56                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 03/41] guix: node-build-system: Add JSON utilities Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30 18:18                                                                             ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-31  5:22                                                                               ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-31 10:18                                                                                 ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-08  4:13                                                                                   ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 04/41] guix: node-build-system: Add avoid-node-gyp-rebuild phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 05/41] guix: node-build-system: Add 'delete-dependencies' helper function Philip McGrath
2021-12-30 17:29                                                                             ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-31  1:09                                                                               ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-31  2:46                                                                                 ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-05 19:08                                                                                   ` Philip McGrath
2022-01-05 20:02                                                                                     ` Leo Famulari
2022-01-06 16:50                                                                                       ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-06 17:28                                                                                         ` Leo Famulari
2022-01-05 21:04                                                                                     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-05 22:58                                                                                       ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-08  4:14                                                                                       ` Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  7:59                                                                                         ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 06/41] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use 'delete-dependencies' Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 07/41] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 08/41] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 09/41] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 10/41] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 11/41] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 12/41] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 13/41] gnu: node-semver: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 14/41] gnu: node-wrappy: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 15/41] gnu: node-once: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 16/41] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 17/41] gnu: node-irc: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 18/41] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 19/41] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 20/41] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 21/41] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 22/41] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 23/41] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 24/41] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 25/41] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 26/41] gnu: Add node-file-uri-to-path Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 27/41] gnu: Add node-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 28/41] gnu: Add node-segfault-handler Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 29/41] gnu: Add node-ms Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 30/41] gnu: Add node-debug Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 31/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-binding-abstract Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 32/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-delimiter Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 33/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-readline Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 34/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 35/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-regex Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 36/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-ready Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 37/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-inter-byte-timeout Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 38/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-cctalk Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 39/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-byte-length Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 40/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:39                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 41/41] gnu: Add node-serialport Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 00/41] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 01/41] guix: node-build-system: Add delete-lockfiles phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 02/41] guix: node-build-system: Add implicit libuv input Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 03/41] guix: node-build-system: Add JSON utilities Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 04/41] guix: node-build-system: Add avoid-node-gyp-rebuild phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 05/41] guix: node-build-system: Add #:absent-dependencies argument Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 06/41] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use #:absent-dependencies Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 07/41] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 08/41] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 09/41] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 10/41] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 11/41] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 12/41] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 13/41] gnu: node-semver: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 14/41] gnu: node-wrappy: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 15/41] gnu: node-once: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 16/41] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 17/41] gnu: node-irc: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 18/41] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 19/41] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 20/41] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 21/41] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 22/41] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 23/41] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 24/41] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 25/41] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 26/41] gnu: Add node-file-uri-to-path Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 27/41] gnu: Add node-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 28/41] gnu: Add node-segfault-handler Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 29/41] gnu: Add node-ms Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 30/41] gnu: Add node-debug Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 31/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-binding-abstract Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 32/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-delimiter Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 33/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-readline Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 34/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 35/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-regex Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 36/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-ready Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 37/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-inter-byte-timeout Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 38/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-cctalk Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 39/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-byte-length Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 40/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:44                                                                             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v7 41/41] gnu: Add node-serialport Philip McGrath
2021-12-30 20:03                                                                           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 00/41] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Ryan Sundberg via Guix-patches via
2021-12-20 21:50                                                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 07/45] guix: node-build-system: Add #:absent-dependencies argument Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-20 23:10                                                           ` Jelle Licht
2021-12-20 23:33                                                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 08/45] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use #:absent-dependencies Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 09/45] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 10/45] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 11/45] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 12/45] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 13/45] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 14/45] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 15/45] gnu: node-semver: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 16/45] gnu: node-wrappy: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 17/45] gnu: node-once: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 18/45] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:02                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 19/45] gnu: node-irc: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 20/45] guix: node-build-system: Add implicit libuv input Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  5:08                                     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-18 16:16                                       ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-18 17:01                                         ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-19 20:34                                           ` Jelle Licht
2021-12-18 17:07                                       ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-19 20:41                                         ` Jelle Licht
2021-12-19 20:54                                           ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 21/45] guix: node-build-system: Add avoid-node-gyp-rebuild phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 22/45] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 23/45] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 24/45] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 25/45] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 26/45] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 27/45] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 28/45] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 29/45] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 30/45] gnu: Add node-file-uri-to-path Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 31/45] gnu: Add node-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 32/45] gnu: Add node-segfault-handler Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 33/45] gnu: Add node-ms Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 34/45] gnu: Add node-debug Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 35/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-binding-abstract Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 36/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-delimiter Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 37/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-readline Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 38/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 39/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-regex Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 40/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-ready Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 41/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-inter-byte-timeout Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 42/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-cctalk Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 43/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-byte-length Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 44/45] gnu: Add node-serialport-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-17  2:03                                   ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v5 45/45] gnu: Add node-serialport Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 05/43] guix: node-build-system: Refactor patch-dependencies phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 06/43] guix: node-build-system: Add #:absent-dependencies argument Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 15:31                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 20:22                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 07/43] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use #:absent-dependencies Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 08/43] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 09/43] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 10/43] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 11/43] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 12/43] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 13/43] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 14/43] gnu: node-semver: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 15/43] gnu: node-wrappy: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 16/43] gnu: node-once: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 17/43] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 18/43] gnu: node-irc: " Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 19/43] guix: node-build-system: Add implicit libuv input Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 20/43] guix: node-build-system: Add delete-lockfiles phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 16:09                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 21:26                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 21/43] guix: node-build-system: Add avoid-node-gyp-rebuild phase Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 22/43] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 23/43] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 24/43] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 25/43] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 26/43] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 16:17                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 21:33                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 27/43] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 28/43] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 29/43] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 15:42                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 21:18                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 30/43] gnu: Add node-file-uri-to-path Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 16:26                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 21:34                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 31/43] gnu: Add node-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 15:57                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 21:20                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 32/43] gnu: Add node-segfault-handler Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 16:31                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 21:38                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 33/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-binding-abstract Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 34/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-delimiter Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 35/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-readling Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 36/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-bindings Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 37/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-regex Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 38/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-ready Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 39/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-inter-byte-timeout Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 40/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-cctalk Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 41/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-byte-length Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 42/43] gnu: Add node-serialport-stream Philip McGrath
2021-12-08 20:28                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 43/43] gnu: Add node-serialport Philip McGrath
2021-12-12 16:01                         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v3 00/43] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 16:36                           ` Pierre Langlois
2021-12-12 21:45                             ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 11/26] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: Use #:absent-dependencies Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 12/26] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 13/26] gnu: node-semver: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 14/26] gnu: node-wrappy: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 15/26] gnu: node-once: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 16/26] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 17/26] gnu: node-irc: " Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 18/26] guix: node-build-system: Add optional #:libuv? argument Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  7:46               ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-20 17:16                 ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:33             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 19/26] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:34             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 20/26] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:34             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 21/26] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:34             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 22/26] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:34             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 23/26] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:34             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 24/26] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:34             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 25/26] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  4:34             ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 26/26] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  7:48               ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-20  5:10           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 03/11] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Philip McGrath
2021-11-20  7:28             ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 04/11] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 05/11] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 06/11] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 07/11] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 08/11] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 09/11] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 10/11] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2021-11-14 13:04     ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 11/11] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2021-11-20 17:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v2 04/26] gnu: node: Add an npmrc file to set nodedir Timothy Sample
2021-11-20 19:55 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH 00/11] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Timothy Sample
2021-12-02 21:52   ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-20 20:04 ` Timothy Sample
2021-12-02 22:02   ` Philip McGrath
2021-11-20 20:08 ` Timothy Sample
2021-11-23 20:54   ` Pierre Langlois
2021-11-28 19:59     ` Timothy Sample
2021-12-02 22:22       ` Philip McGrath
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 01/41] guix: node-build-system: Add delete-lockfiles phase Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 02/41] guix: node-build-system: Add implicit libuv input Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 03/41] guix: node-build-system: Add JSON utilities Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-08  4:13   ` Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  7:00     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 04/41] guix: node-build-system: Add avoid-node-gyp-rebuild phase Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 05/41] guix: node-build-system: Add 'delete-dependencies' helper function Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 06/41] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use 'delete-dependencies' Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 07/41] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 08/41] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 09/41] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 10/41] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 11/41] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 12/41] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 13/41] gnu: node-semver: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 14/41] gnu: node-wrappy: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 15/41] gnu: node-once: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 16/41] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 17/41] gnu: node-irc: " Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 18/41] gnu: Add node-inherits Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 19/41] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 20/41] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:38 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 21/41] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 22/41] gnu: Add node-nan Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 23/41] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 24/41] gnu: Add node-addon-api Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 25/41] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 26/41] gnu: Add node-file-uri-to-path Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 27/41] gnu: Add node-bindings Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 28/41] gnu: Add node-segfault-handler Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 29/41] gnu: Add node-ms Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 30/41] gnu: Add node-debug Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 31/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-binding-abstract Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 32/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-delimiter Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 33/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-readline Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 34/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-bindings Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 35/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-regex Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 36/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-ready Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 37/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-inter-byte-timeout Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 38/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-cctalk Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 39/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-byte-length Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 40/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-stream Liliana Marie Prikler
2021-12-30  7:39 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 41/41] gnu: Add node-serialport Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-06 17:45 ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v8 00/41] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-07 16:49   ` Timothy Sample
2022-01-07 19:43     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-07 21:02       ` Jelle Licht
2022-01-07 22:20         ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-07 23:07           ` Jelle Licht
2022-01-08  0:20             ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-07 21:07       ` Philip McGrath
2022-01-07 23:06         ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-07 22:11   ` Philip McGrath
2022-01-07 23:47     ` Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-08  4:14       ` Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41         ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 01/41] guix: node-build-system: Add delete-lockfiles phase Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 02/41] guix: node-build-system: Add implicit libuv input Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 03/41] guix: node-build-system: Add JSON utilities Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 04/41] guix: node-build-system: Add avoid-node-gyp-rebuild phase Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 05/41] guix: node-build-system: Add 'delete-dependencies' helper function Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 06/41] gnu: node-semver-bootstrap: Use 'delete-dependencies' Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 07/41] gnu: node-ms-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 08/41] gnu: node-binary-search-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 09/41] gnu: node-debug-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 10/41] gnu: node-llparse-builder-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:41           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 11/41] gnu: node-llparse-frontend-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 12/41] gnu: node-llparse-bootstrap: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 13/41] gnu: node-semver: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 14/41] gnu: node-wrappy: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 15/41] gnu: node-once: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 16/41] gnu: node-irc-colors: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 17/41] gnu: node-irc: " Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 18/41] gnu: Add node-inherits Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 19/41] gnu: Add node-safe-buffer Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 20/41] gnu: Add node-string-decoder Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 21/41] gnu: Add node-readable-stream Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 22/41] gnu: Add node-nan Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 23/41] gnu: Add node-openzwave-shared Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 24/41] gnu: Add node-addon-api Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 25/41] gnu: Add node-sqlite3 Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 26/41] gnu: Add node-file-uri-to-path Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 27/41] gnu: Add node-bindings Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 28/41] gnu: Add node-segfault-handler Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 29/41] gnu: Add node-ms Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 30/41] gnu: Add node-debug Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 31/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-binding-abstract Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 32/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-delimiter Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 33/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-readline Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 34/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-bindings Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 35/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-regex Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 36/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-ready Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 37/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-inter-byte-timeout Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 38/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-cctalk Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 39/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-parser-byte-length Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 40/41] gnu: Add node-serialport-stream Philip McGrath
2022-01-08  8:42           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 41/41] gnu: Add node-serialport Philip McGrath
2022-01-08 11:19           ` [bug#51838] [PATCH v9 00/41] guix: node-build-system: Support compiling add-ons with node-gyp Liliana Marie Prikler
2022-01-08 15:33             ` Philip McGrath
2022-01-09  1:19               ` bug#51838: " Liliana Marie Prikler

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