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* 2023-12-18 Emacs news
@ 2023-12-20  0:49 Sacha Chua
  0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: Sacha Chua @ 2023-12-20  0:49 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: emacs-tangents

[-- Attachment #1.1: Type: text/plain, Size: 14730 bytes --]

  2023-12-18 Emacs news

  - Upcoming events:
    - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA <> Wed Dec 20 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Dec 21 0000 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <> Fri Dec 22 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 2000 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Dec 23 0130 Asia/Kolkata - 0400 Asia/Singapore
    - Emacs APAC (virtual) <> Sat Dec 23 0030 America/Vancouver - 0230 America/Chicago - 0330 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <> Sat Dec 23 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <> Sun Dec 24 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
    - Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) <> Wed Dec 27 0930 America/Vancouver - 1130 America/Chicago - 1230 America/Toronto - 1730 Etc/GMT - 1830 Europe/Berlin - 2300 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Dec 28 0130 Asia/Singapore
  - Beginner:
    - [Emacs Speedrun Content] (<>)
    - [#emacs movement keys - hands on tutorial] (<>) (01:47)
  - Emacs configuration:
    - [what are some drawbacks of using literate emacs config?] (<>)
    - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: advanced Org literate configuration] (<>) (24:57 [YouTube] (<>))
    - [jojojames' Emacs Config] (<>)
    - [0x4d6165's configuration] (<>) ([] (<>))
  - Emacs Lisp:
    - [A quick introduction to emacs hooks] (<>) ([Reddit] (<>))
    - [Jeremy Friesen: Introducing Extensibility with a Macro, a List, and a Reducer] (<>)
  - Appearance:
    - [Christian Tietze: Update for modus-themes v4 and mlscroll.el Colors] (<>)
    - [perfect-margin:Auto-center emacs windows (works with minimap and/or linum-mode)] (<>)
    - [Your Favorite/Most usefull Mode-Line Segments?] (<>)
    - [My Modern Emacs UI Setup] (<>)
  - Navigation:
    - [Charles Choi: Personalizing Emacs Doc Navigation] (<>) ([HN] (<>), [Irreal] (<>))
    - [nfdn: Improving Emacs isearch Usability with Transient] (<>)
    - [Turning isearch into a regex search -] (<>)
  - Writing:
    - [Yi Tang: Jekyll in Emacs - Update Blog Post Title and Date] (<>)
  - Org Mode:
    - [Emacs | Creative non-destruction] (<>) (05:31)
    - [SqrtMinusOne/org-clock-agg: Tree-like reports for org-clock records] (<>) ([] (<>))
    - [Emacs Advent Calendar, day 16: trevoke's org-gtd package] (<>)
    - [Chung-hong Chan: The missing Q&A of "An Org-Mode based text adventure game for learning the basics of Emacs, inside Emacs, written in Emacs Lisp"] (<>)
    - [Tip about using -i to preserve global indentation -] (<>)
    - [Ten Org-mode Extensions You Need to Install! - YouTube] (<>) ([] (<>))
    - [Irreal: Literate Documentation with Emacs and Org Mode] (<>)
    - [Cómo trabajar con SQLite3 desde Emacs] (<>) ([] (<>))
    - Org development:
      - [ol-man.el: Enable completion] (<>)
      - [lisp/org-capture.el: use `org-store-link' for %K values] (<>)
  - Completion:
    - [Semantic completing read in #Emacs] (<>) (17:25)
  - Coding:
    - [Tip about magit-commit-absorb -] (<>)
    - [Doxygen preamble yasnippet -] (<>)
    - [Dev Containers Part 2: Setup, the devcontainer CLI & Emacs] (<>)
    - [Andrea: Make Emacs help in creating an example of Scala classes] (<>)
  - Evil mode:
    - [Add :retab command by FrostyX · Pull Request #1846 · emacs-evil/evil · GitHub] (<>) ([] (<>))
  - Mail, news, and chat:
    - [Reading Email with Emacs | Brett Presnell] (<>) ([] (<>)) - Office 365, Oauth2
    - [lem.el updates - view cycling/toggling, display improvements] (<>) ([] (<>)) - lemmy client
  - Math:
    - [Emacs, math, latex tips #1] (<>) (03:59)
    - [Irreal: Laas] (<>) - LaTeX at speed
  - Web:
    - [Comfy Wikipedia Reading Experience (eww + imenu-list + shrface)] (<>)
    - [wombag: A Wallabag client for Emacs] (<>) - read-it-later, archiving webpages
  - Multimedia:
    - [EMMS Tag Editor] (<>)
    - [Sacha Chua: EmacsConf backstage: Making a (play)list, checking it twice] (<>)
    - [Sacha Chua: EmacsConf backstage: Using Spookfox to publish YouTube and Toobnix video drafts] (<>)
  - EXWM:
    - [My Steam Deck EXWM setup] (<>)
  - Fun:
    - [Edit Slay the Spire save files with Emacs.] (<>)
  - AI:
    - [The Awesome Emacs CHATGPT-SHELL package] (<>) (08:48)
  - Community:
    - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] (<>)
    - [Anyone going to 37c3 and up for a meet-up?] (<>)
    - [[SUMMARY] #4 OrgMeetup on Wed, Dec 13, 19:00 UTC+3 - Ihor Radchenko] (<>)
    - [Eric MacAdie: 2023-12 Austin Emacs Meetup] (<>)
    - [Emacs' helm is maintained by one maintaner for 11 years long. His mistake to switch from Paetron made him to lose nearly all his contributors. Consider to donate again?] (<>)
  - Other:
    - [Como instalar GNU EMACS en XIAOMI POCO M4 PRO | El editor de texto extensible y autodocumentado] (<>) (06:45)
    - [Emacs Advent Calendar 14: indent-bars, kind-icon, org-modern-indent, and more] (<>)
    - [Emacs Advent Calendar, day 15: alphapapa's Emacs and Org-related packages] (<>)
    - [Emacs Advent Calendar, day 17: company-mode, VC, project, treesit.el, ruby, etags-regen] (<>)
    - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: multilingual editing (Greek, French, Chinese, etc.)] (<>) ([Irreal] (<>))
    - [T. V. Raman: Emacs: Hidden Holiday Gems] (<>)
    - [Getting gpg-agent to work porperly inside Emacs and Termux -] (<>)
    - [Emacs: multilingual editing (Greek, French, Chinese, etc.)] (<>) ([Reddit] (<>))
    - [Sharing Files from Emacs with Hyperdrive.el] (<>) (01:55:47)
    - [syd.el - configuring a Syd sandbox in Emacs] (<>) - syd: Rust-based sandbox for applications ([Asciicast] (< >), [Syd] (<>))
    - [Irreal: Lem: An Alternative To Emacs?] (<>)
  - Emacs development:
    - emacs-devel:
      - [Dropping the dashes when displying command names] (<>) (Zmacs behavior; also [maybe making dashes less prominent] (<>))
      - [[FR] Allow flattened imenu index (was: [PATCH] Add new option 'org-imenu] (<>)
        - [alternative proposal re: completion boundaries] (<>)
      - [cond* design so far] (<>)
      - [Re: cond* - pcase useful for destructuring alists, plists, and structs] (<>)
      - [Re: Turning on savehist-mode by default] (<>) - concerns, maybe careful transition needed
      - [New customizable variable register-use-preview] (<>)
      - [Help wanted for outline-mode treesitter support] (<>)
    - [; Document sending extra HTTP headers in NEWS] (<>)
    - [Never send user email address in HTTP requests] (<>)
    - [(display-buffer): New `pop-up-frames` action alist entry] (<>)
    - [Offer to show diff against auto-save in recover-file] (<>)
    - [Support viewing VC change history across renames (Git, Hg)] (<>)
    - [New macro connection-local-p] (<>)

  Links from [] (<>), [r/orgmode] (<>), [r/spacemacs] (<>), [r/planetemacs] (<>), [Hacker News] (<>), [] (<>), [kbin] (<>), [] (<>), [lemmy] (<>), [] (<>), [] (<>), [YouTube] (<>), [the Emacs NEWS file] (<>), [Emacs Calendar] (<>), and [emacs-devel] (<>). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [] (<>). Thank you!


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[-- Attachment #2: --]
[-- Type: text/x-org, Size: 14381 bytes --]

  * 2023-12-18 Emacs news
- Upcoming events:
  - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA Wed Dec 20 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Dec 21 0000 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club Fri Dec 22 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 2000 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Dec 23 0130 Asia/Kolkata - 0400 Asia/Singapore
  - Emacs APAC (virtual) Sat Dec 23 0030 America/Vancouver - 0230 America/Chicago - 0330 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club Sat Dec 23 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club Sun Dec 24 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
  - Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) Wed Dec 27 0930 America/Vancouver - 1130 America/Chicago - 1230 America/Toronto - 1730 Etc/GMT - 1830 Europe/Berlin - 2300 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Dec 28 0130 Asia/Singapore
- Beginner:
  - [[][Emacs Speedrun Content]]
  - [[][#emacs movement keys - hands on tutorial]] (01:47)
- Emacs configuration:
  - [[][what are some drawbacks of using literate emacs config?]]
  - [[][Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: advanced Org literate configuration]] (24:57 [[][YouTube]])
  - [[][jojojames' Emacs Config]]
  - [[][0x4d6165's configuration]] ([[][]])
- Emacs Lisp:
  - [[][A quick introduction to emacs hooks]] ([[][Reddit]])
  - [[][Jeremy Friesen: Introducing Extensibility with a Macro, a List, and a Reducer]]
- Appearance:
  - [[][Christian Tietze: Update for modus-themes v4 and mlscroll.el Colors]]
  - [[][perfect-margin:Auto-center emacs windows (works with minimap and/or linum-mode)]]
  - [[][Your Favorite/Most usefull Mode-Line Segments?]]
  - [[][My Modern Emacs UI Setup]]
- Navigation:
  - [[][Charles Choi: Personalizing Emacs Doc Navigation]] ([[][HN]], [[][Irreal]])
  - [[][nfdn: Improving Emacs isearch Usability with Transient]]
  - [[][Turning isearch into a regex search -]]
- Writing:
  - [[][Yi Tang: Jekyll in Emacs - Update Blog Post Title and Date]]
- Org Mode:
  - [[][Emacs | Creative non-destruction]] (05:31)
  - [[][SqrtMinusOne/org-clock-agg: Tree-like reports for org-clock records]] ([[][]])
  - [[][Emacs Advent Calendar, day 16: trevoke's org-gtd package]]
  - [[][Chung-hong Chan: The missing Q&A of "An Org-Mode based text adventure game for learning the basics of Emacs, inside Emacs, written in Emacs Lisp"]]
  - [[][Tip about using -i to preserve global indentation -]]
  - [[][Ten Org-mode Extensions You Need to Install! - YouTube]] ([[][]])
  - [[][Irreal: Literate Documentation with Emacs and Org Mode]]
  - [[][Cómo trabajar con SQLite3 desde Emacs]] ([[][]])
  - Org development:
    - [[][ol-man.el: Enable completion]]
    - [[][lisp/org-capture.el: use `org-store-link' for %K values]]
- Completion:
  - [[][Semantic completing read in #Emacs]] (17:25)
- Coding:
  - [[][Tip about magit-commit-absorb -]]
  - [[][Doxygen preamble yasnippet -]]
  - [[][Dev Containers Part 2: Setup, the devcontainer CLI & Emacs]]
  - [[][Andrea: Make Emacs help in creating an example of Scala classes]]
- Evil mode:
  - [[][Add :retab command by FrostyX · Pull Request #1846 · emacs-evil/evil · GitHub]] ([[][]])
- Mail, news, and chat:
  - [[][Reading Email with Emacs | Brett Presnell]] ([[][]]) - Office 365, Oauth2
  - [[][lem.el updates - view cycling/toggling, display improvements]] ([[][]]) - lemmy client
- Math:
  - [[][Emacs, math, latex tips #1]] (03:59)
  - [[][Irreal: Laas]] - LaTeX at speed
- Web:
  - [[][Comfy Wikipedia Reading Experience (eww + imenu-list + shrface)]]
  - [[][wombag: A Wallabag client for Emacs]] - read-it-later, archiving webpages
- Multimedia:
  - [[][EMMS Tag Editor]]
  - [[][Sacha Chua: EmacsConf backstage: Making a (play)list, checking it twice]]
  - [[][Sacha Chua: EmacsConf backstage: Using Spookfox to publish YouTube and Toobnix video drafts]]
  - [[][My Steam Deck EXWM setup]]
- Fun:
  - [[][Edit Slay the Spire save files with Emacs.]]
- AI:
  - [[][The Awesome Emacs CHATGPT-SHELL package]] (08:48)
- Community:
  - [[][Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread]]
  - [[][Anyone going to 37c3 and up for a meet-up?]]
  - [[][[SUMMARY] #4 OrgMeetup on Wed, Dec 13, 19:00 UTC+3 - Ihor Radchenko]]
  - [[][Eric MacAdie: 2023-12 Austin Emacs Meetup]]
  - [[][Emacs' helm is maintained by one maintaner for 11 years long. His mistake to switch from Paetron made him to lose nearly all his contributors. Consider to donate again?]]
- Other:
  - [[][Como instalar GNU EMACS en XIAOMI POCO M4 PRO | El editor de texto extensible y autodocumentado]] (06:45)
  - [[][Emacs Advent Calendar 14: indent-bars, kind-icon, org-modern-indent, and more]]
  - [[][Emacs Advent Calendar, day 15: alphapapa's Emacs and Org-related packages]]
  - [[][Emacs Advent Calendar, day 17: company-mode, VC, project, treesit.el, ruby, etags-regen]]
  - [[][Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: multilingual editing (Greek, French, Chinese, etc.)]] ([[][Irreal]])
  - [[][T. V. Raman: Emacs: Hidden Holiday Gems]]
  - [[][Getting gpg-agent to work porperly inside Emacs and Termux -]]
  - [[][Emacs: multilingual editing (Greek, French, Chinese, etc.)]] ([[][Reddit]])
  - [[][Sharing Files from Emacs with Hyperdrive.el]] (01:55:47)
  - [[][syd.el - configuring a Syd sandbox in Emacs]] - syd: Rust-based sandbox for applications ([[ ][Asciicast]], [[][Syd]])
  - [[][Irreal: Lem: An Alternative To Emacs?]]
- Emacs development:
  - emacs-devel:
    - [[][Dropping the dashes when displying command names]] (Zmacs behavior; also [[][maybe making dashes less prominent]])
    - [[][[FR] Allow flattened imenu index (was: [PATCH] Add new option 'org-imenu]]
      - [[][alternative proposal re: completion boundaries]]
    - [[][cond* design so far]]
    - [[][Re: cond* - pcase useful for destructuring alists, plists, and structs]]
    - [[][Re: Turning on savehist-mode by default]] - concerns, maybe careful transition needed
    - [[][New customizable variable register-use-preview]]
    - [[][Help wanted for outline-mode treesitter support]]
  - [[][; Document sending extra HTTP headers in NEWS]]
  - [[][Never send user email address in HTTP requests]]
  - [[][(display-buffer): New `pop-up-frames` action alist entry]]
  - [[][Offer to show diff against auto-save in recover-file]]
  - [[][Support viewing VC change history across renames (Git, Hg)]]
  - [[][New macro connection-local-p]]

Links from [[][]], [[][r/orgmode]], [[][r/spacemacs]], [[][r/planetemacs]], [[][Hacker News]], [[][]], [[][kbin]], [[][]], [[][lemmy]], [[][]], [[][]], [[][YouTube]], [[][the Emacs NEWS file]], [[][Emacs Calendar]], and [[][emacs-devel]]. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [[][]]. Thank you!


[-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 92 bytes --]

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2023-12-20  0:49 2023-12-18 Emacs news Sacha Chua

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