Xebar Saram writes: > Ok so i think the reason really is that i have way to many lisp code blocks as suggested. i found out a very interesting post that maybe of interest to alot of > org users Well - it took on my MacBook Pro Retina about 30 seconds - ,---- | Wrote /Users/rainerkrug/tmp/settings.el [745 times] | Tangled 745 code blocks from settings.org `---- so I guess something else is fishy in your setup Rainer > > http://www.holgerschurig.de/en/emacs-efficiently-untangling-elisp/ > > this creates a new function that very efficiently tangles my org file and the time goes from 6 minutes to 25 seconds!! > > this is a link to an example init file > > https://bitbucket.org/holgerschurig/emacsconf/src/416b2bba2d1d334b9c6ddbd56f8c7f8bd8bc4aab?at=master > > i really think this should go somewhere in the org documentation > > best to all > > Z > > On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Xebar Saram wrote: > > Ok some more exploring made me realize that also using `M-x org-babel-load-file` on the setting.org file and tangling it takes a LONG time (like 6-7 > minutes) so its not a problem of the init its the actual tangling of the file. 6-7 minutes cant be normal right? > > im attaching my settings.org file > > would appreciate any help > > Z > > -- Rainer M. Krug email: Rainerkrugsde PGP: 0x0F52F982