I have no idea if it's possible.  If it turns out not to be, you could console yourself with the thought that the rounding error will most likely be spread around.  So everyone gets 'stolen from' about as often as they get 'given to'. 

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Bill Powell <bill@billpowellisalive.com> wrote:

Hi folks,

Thanks again to y'all for org-mode. Here's a quick question: how hard
would it be to include seconds in the clock logging? It may sound like
a silly request, but I often have to work on two or three billable
different projects in a day, sometimes switching back and forth
between them. When you add up all those intervals for an invoice
covering a month or more, counting those half and quarter
minutes might add up to an additional hour or so of billable time.

It's possible I'm just misunderstanding the org-mode algorithm, and
that its rounding turns out to be almost as accurate over the long
haul. Plus, many people expect to be billed by the half hour anyhow.
But I time various projects for myself, too, so this is really an
interest for my own work. What do you all think?

Bill Powell

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