On 30 September 2018, Berry, Charles wrote: >> Notice the "R> " prompt that prefixes the actual output. > > The issue is that babel has to clean up dangling prompts from the R session buffer and is currently not smart enough to do this in your case. > ... > I think your easiest path forward is to use the default R prompt. Or maybe use these header args: > > :session :results value drawer :prologue "capture.output({" :epilogue "})" Having the "library" call in its own block, with results silent, also works. #+NAME: setup #+BEGIN_SRC R :session :results silent library(ascii) #+END_SRC #+NAME: test01 #+BEGIN_SRC R :session :results output numstbl <- table(1:4, 1:4) summary(numstbl) #+END_SRC That's how I usually do things, perhaps because I use "ℝ>" as m prompt and I ran into the same problem but found this got around it (though it's been a while and I can't remember for sure). It also saves time when rerunning code because I don't reload stuff over and over. Bill -- William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: https://listeningtoart.org/ https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: http://ghg.earth/ Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: http://staplr.org/