El 2016-03-04 06:12, York Zhao escribió: > Hi list, > > I've been wondering for a while that when using org-mode to write > letters, how > do you export casual a letter that doesn't have from address and to > address? > > Thanks in advance, > > York I would like to share a lightweight solution based on groff. I have assembled an ob-groff.el file mostly coping the essential parts from ox-asymptote.el. Once this is done, you can C-c C-c a groff source block and get the link to the output file in the same buffer. Notes: - Tested with emacs 24.5 and 25.0.92, org-plus-contrib ELPA 20160321, on OS 10.10.5. - groff last version 1.22.3, which has -D option; remove from :cmdline if your groff version is < 1.22.3 - pdf output is hardcoded in ob-groff.el; you can remove from there and add to :cmdline to get .ps or .dvi files if you prefer. - Groff examples are from: http://etutorials.org/Linux+systems/red+hat+linux+bible+fedora+enterprise+edition/Part+II+Using+Red+Hat+Linux/Chapter+6+Publishing+with+Red+Hat+Linux/Creating+Documents+in+Groff+or+LaTeX/ http://pipeline.lbl.gov/code/3rd_party/licenses.win/groff/1.19.2/html/mom/letters.html I hope not to have forgotten acknowledgment to some of those wonderful people that write and share FOSS. Thanks all!