Hello, I wanted to mark certain filenames as images and added this to my config.el: (add-to-list 'image-file-name-regexps "/preview/") But when I run `org-toggle-inline-images` now, I get the following error. image-file-name-regexp: Wrong type argument: characterp, "/preview/" Even though it says: ```lisp image-file-name-regexps is a variable defined in image-file.el.gz. Value ("/preview/") Documentation List of regexps matching image-file filenames. ```And the variable is clearly a list. As posted in [https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/72902/image-file-name-regexp-wrong-type-argument-characterp](https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/72902/image-file-name-regexp-wrong-type-argument-characterp?noredirect=1#comment118105_72902) Best, Janek