Hi there! The following setting is appreciated: The frame consists of two columns. The left one should have an image, the right one a list. In the left column an image should completely fill the column. This screenshot, which was taken from DeckSet for Mac, might illustrate it better: I’ve already tried the following, to no avail: ** Privatkopie *** Bild :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: 0.48 :END: #+ATTR_LATEX: width=\textwidth [[file:img/runner.jpg]] *** Privatkopie :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_COL: 0.48 :END: - z.B. Rippen einer CD als MP3 - Aufnahme einer Sendung auf DVD - Vergütung der Urheber über Pauschalabgaben - z.B. bei Rohlingen, Kopierern, Computern Any help would be greatly appreciated! — Tobias