On 30 June 2015 at 14:35, Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:

​Hi, and thanks for your help with this.​
Disclaimer: I don't know what are "LocalWords" and I could find
a reference either in the Emacs or Elisp manual.

I'm sorry, I assumed it would be documented. By "LocalWords" it turns out that I mean "the value of ispell-words-keyword".

Put them at the beginning of the file, i.e., before the first headline,
and comment them.

​This is a distracting place to put them, and requires action on the part of the user: ispell's non-configurable behaviour is to look for ispell-words-keyword, and, if it doesn't find it, start adding words at the end of the buffer. Hence it would be better if org-mode could work like other modes.

The current behaviour, where org-insert-heading-respect-content skips not only blank lines but also comments, does seem a bit odd in any case: I'd expect the next heading to be inserted before any comments following point…
> However, it would be good if this worked out of the box, i.e. if if
> org-mode instrumented ispell suitably so that when LocalWords entries
> are added, they are a) by default not included in the export,

It will not happen if you comment them.

Sorry, I was mixing up the LocalWords entries, which are automatically commented by ispell, and my heading. Ignore this!
