What else do you have in your .emacs related to Org?
(BTW, it would be much better if you could write a more detailed
subject line than "babel setup" like "Using
org-babel-do-load-languages causes Org mode to switch to older
version" so that the right people on the list can more easily
prioritize answering to your email based on how urgent it is.)
On 06/09/2014 01:18 AM, Shiyuan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using Emacs 24.3.9 + org-mode 8.2.6(from ELPA)
> I followed this
> instruction http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html#configure
> and added the following to my .emacs file.
> (org-babel-do-load-languages
> 'org-babel-load-languages
> '((python . t)
> (emacs-lisp . t)))
> After that, org-mode mysteriously switched back to the old version 7.9.
> Another problem is that export command C-c C-e no longer works and
> generates error: Symbol's function definition is void: org-defvaralias.
> Is there any step I missed? Thanks.
> Shiyuan
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