On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Tyler Smith <tyler@plantarum.ca> wrote:
Ken Mankoff <mankoff@gmail.com> writes:
> In my version of this, I have each project as its own git repository,
> where git contains the Org file, other code, the manuscript, etc. I
> add any Org files to my global agenda with =M-x
> org-agenda-file-to-front= and remove with = M-x org-remove-file=.
>>  most tutorials assume that all your planning files are found in one
>>  directory (e.g., ~/org).
> That is only because it is easier to show that setup in the tutorial. You
> can have Org files all over the place, and each can be added to the Agenda
> or not, as you wish.

Thanks Ken. Perhaps I've been trying to hard to force everything into
one directory. I did find a post on Reddit that describes a convenient
way to create org files for projects anywhere in the directory tree in a
shared global location:


This has the benefit of keeping all my planning (.org) files in one
repo, but the disadvantage of separating the planning files from the
project they relate to. Something your approach deals with nicely. I'll
try that out.

Another option: I have a function that recursively searches a parent directory (using the "find-lisp" library) for files that are named *.org. I then add that function to org-agenda-mode-hook so that every time I open and agenda view, it recalculates the org-agenda-files variable. On a local filesystem (laptop, SSD) i don't notice a thing, slow-down wise. YMMV if your Org files are on a network share.


