On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 5:36 AM, Bastien Guerry <bzg@bzg.fr> wrote:
That said, I think we can take this opportunity to slightly improve
how ox-html handles source code:

- why only <pre> and not <pre><code> ?
Would we need a switch to permit the old syntax for people with complex setups who don't want to change?

- make src-clojure in <pre class="src src-clojure"> customizable ?
Is this likely to break anything in derived exporters? It would certianly be convenient e.g for using highlight.js in wordpress in similar environments.

- have ob-javascript.el to let ox-html know how to export js code ?

Isn't this in org already? there's an ob-js.el in my org repo.  
- have org-html-js to easily allow adding js libraries at the bottom
  of a page? Perhaps together with #+html_js and #+html_js_extra ?

This seems like a good idea and pretty easy. 

>> If the license permits, and there's a precedent, we could bundle the
>> scripts with org.

I have no problem with this, but I'd rather think a more general
mechanism to embed scripts in general and get more flexibility in
css classes.

If we provide a straightforward solution, I don't think there is
a problem pointing to Google servers.

We might have a problem with recommending js code that does not
pass the https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/ tests: that is,
we cannot recommend code that is not advertised the way librejs
recommends it should be advertized.

This is an annoying issue, but a real one I guess.

I odn't really quite understand the problem and solution parameters.  Since Yehonathan is here on this thread and enthusiastic about helping out: is there something he could do to make this feasible for us?  Or by "more general mechanism" do you mean some third way between bundling and linking to?
As long as Klipse + org is somehow available and documented,
I'll be very happy :)
Me too!
