On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Jay Kerns <gjkernsysu@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Nick,

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Nick Dokos <ndokos@gmail.com> wrote:
> The example I used earlier came from
>     http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-R.html


I seem to have overlooked your earlier message - sorry about that.

I just happened to use this example (because I was working on it at the time) for an unrelated question, that's all, so no worries.
far as doing R stuff with Org I am afraid that ob-doc-R is a bit
behind all of the many, many released changes of recent weeks.  Some
time back I updated an extended document (originally written by Erik
Iverson) to work with the new exporter.  You can find all of that


I recommend working through the *.org file and looking at the *.pdf
and *.html files for comparison.  It goes through a whole bunch of
things, and there is a ggplot2 example, too.

I hope to eventually migrate that over to Worg but thought it best to
wait for Org-8.0's release.  Perhaps you may find something useful
there in the meantime.

I hope this helps,

P.S. If you find yourself walking further down the R path you might be
interested in IPSUR.  It is written in org so you'd feel right at

Thanks for the pointers - I'll work through the examples. I tried to take a look at your book, but Chrome was bent out of shape for some reason. I'll try again later, but the first 10 seconds were very encouraging!
