Hi everyone,

I am having issues trying to use the latest version of Org with straight (the built-in version works fine. Currently testing with a minimal config, i.e. I only have the necessary code to enable straight and use-package in my init.el, and I have added the following as well:

(use-package org
  :straight t)

Initially, when I generate an ~org-clock-report~ table it works just fine. However, at some random point it stops working and just gives me the following error: "Invalid function: org-encode-time". Not sure if I explained it well, so here is a short video to show what is happening (I am continuously pressing C-c to refresh the org clock table).

If I manually delete the contents of the =eln-cache= folder and restart emacs, I can use ~org-clock-report~ again, but at some point it will just give me the same error just like in the video. 

Anyone could help me find out what the issue is?
