Hi list!
Wondering if there was a function like `org-babel-map-src-blocks'
but for tables.
Use case:
I have a file with multiple headings like:
* Heading
** Result
(some chart computed by processing data)
** Processing
(code block for transforming data into chart)
** Data
(org table containing the data)
So, it would be nice to:
1) transform all tables into tsv files
2) eval code blocks that read these files and turn them into charts
3) exporting org file to html
Problem with 1) : did not find a function like `org-babel-map-src-blocks' but for tables.
Corresponding code is here:
https://github.com/phfrohring/org-to-blogIt maps every heading with a :ready: tag to matching html of one org file:
(defun blog/org_to_www ()
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate t))