Thanks a lot.
Sanjib Sikder
Ph.D. Fellow
Chemical Engineering
IIT Bombay
[I replied to Sanjib privately on the grounds that it's OT for the list,Teemu Likonen <tlikonen@iki.fi> wrote:
> Sanjib Sikder [2012-10-18 00:32:00 +0530] wrote:
> > Even after 26th minute, there is no sign of the code in work. Is it that
> > $HOME is not allowed and I need to give full path ?
> Ah, I thought that you'd run it from your personal crontab. So yes,
> write paths from root's point of view.
but let me add a couple of notes to this thread before we shut it off
as completely OT: cron issues are hardly germane to org.]
o Adding personal items to root-owned crontabs is a *bad idea* indeed.
o One should try the script by hand before trying to incorporate it into cron:
much easier to debug.
o cron operates in a restricted environment: just run `env' as a cron job to
find out what it knows (hint: not much).
o Quite apart from cron issues, the backup method in the script is
fundamentally flawed in my opinion: iiuc, it flattens the hierarchy,
so if you have org files with the same name in different directories,
only *one* will be saved into the backup directory - hardly a reliable