> Upon closer look at the `org-capture`, `org-capture-set-target-location`
and `org-capture-place-entry`, I'm starting to realize that
"file+function" can be used for what I'm looking for. I was just worried
about the use of `(org-capture-put :exact-position (point))`
My disappointing attempt at using file+function target to replicate my idea
(defun my/diary-capture-find-headline ()
(let* ((entries (org-map-entries (lambda ()
(list (org-element-property :title (org-element-at-point))
(org-element-property :begin (org-element-at-point))))
(dolist (entry entries final-pos)
(pcase-let ((`(,title ,begin) entry))
(let* ((diff-time (time-subtract (current-time) (org-time-string-to-time title)))
(diff-secs (nth 1 diff-time))
(5-mins-in-secs (* 5 60)))
(if (< diff-secs 5-mins-in-secs)
(setq final-pos (goto-char begin))
(unless final-pos
(goto-char (point-max))
(unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
(insert "\n* ")
(let ((current-prefix-arg '(16)))
(call-interactively #'org-time-stamp-inactive))
(setopt org-capture-templates
'(("d" "Diary Template" entry
(file (lambda () (expand-file-name
(concat org-directory "Diary" "/" (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d.org")))))
"* %U\n%?"
:empty-lines 1)
("p" "Diary Item Capture Test" item
(file+function (lambda () (expand-file-name
(concat org-directory "Diary" "/" (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d.org"))))
"- %?"
:empty-lines 0)))