On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 4:20 AM, Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:
That and the fact that one might introduce forbidden characters in the
name (e.g., ask the user to know about forbidden characters in the
target format). The generic names are pretty safe.

Anyway, what about using special blocks to generate custom <div>?

  #+attr_html: :property whatever

Thanks for the feedback. All of that makes sense. Is there really a +begin_somthing tag? Or are you referring to any general tag? Sorry for my obtuseness. 

I'll look into the :property issue: I think that'd properly work for my needs. 

Adam J. Aviv, PhD
Asst. Professor
Computer Science
U.S. Naval Academy
(410) 293- 6655