hm. what is xenops doing? That isn't a package I use, but my results drawers are also closed when opening a file.


Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 4:16 PM Richard Stanton <> wrote:
It works fine when I use emacs -Q, so I did some hunting around and discovered that it’s a bad interaction with the xenops package. A shame, as this package does a great job of almost-real-time previewing of LaTeX equations, figure and tables.

> On May 11, 2022, at 10:51 AM, Richard Stanton <> wrote:
> I see that the same question was asked by John Kitchin in 2016. The accepted answer back then was either to put
> #+STARTUP: showeverything
> at the top of the org file or to use (setq org-startup-folded "showeverything”).
> I don’t know if something has changed in org since then, but neither of these seems to work for me at the moment. All of my :results: drawers start out and remain hidden until I click on them and press TAB.
>> On May 11, 2022, at 9:52 AM, Richard Stanton <> wrote:
>> I’m creating documents where I run Python code blocks that create LaTeX mathematical output that I want to be able to export to either LaTeX/PDF or HTML.
>> Using :wrap in the header works fine, except that LaTeX complains about the unknown environment “results” (it still compiles the file to PDF fine).
>> Using :wrap export latex works fine for LaTeX export, but I can’t get HTML that way.
>> The recommended method seems to be to use :results drawer. This works fine from an export perspective to both LaTeX/PDF and to HTML. However, it has one significant drawback when I’m actually creating the document: the results drawer starts out hidden and to see what’s there I have to click on it. This makes debugging the code in the first place a lot less convenient.
>> Is there a way to use :results drawer and have the results NOT hidden by default?
>> Thanks for any suggestions!
>> Richard Stanton