Hello! I have created a custom link format in org mode, [[fig:path][desc]], defined as (org-link-set-parameters "fig" :follow (lambda (path) (org-open-file-with-emacs (format "../figurer/%s" path))) :export (lambda (path desc backend) (cond ((eq backend 'html) (format (concat "\"%s\"/") path (or desc path)))))) I need this to be able to have one copy of the images, while having .org and exported .html files in different directory levels. However, if I now want to export an image with html attributes and caption, e.g. #+CAPTION:A caption #+HTML_ATTR: :width 150px [[fig:figname.png][Alt text]] This ends up as

Alt text

How can I get my new link format to include html attributes? All help much appreciated! Regards, Tarjei