I am an emacs and org-mode newbie. I am mainly coming to Emacs for Org-Mode. So am using Eric Schulte's Emacs Starter Kit 24. I put this in .emacs.d. It is suggested in the kit "Move the resulting directory to ~/.emacs.d "


When I start Emacs I get the following error.

"Warning (initialization): Your `load-path' seems to contain
your `.emacs.d' directory: /home/username/.emacs.d/
This is likely to cause problems...
Consider using a subdirectory instead, e.g.: /home/username/.emacs.d/lisp"

I am uncertain how I should proceed now. I suspect this will be a common problem for new people. How should I setup the Emacs Starter Kit? Move the whole kit to /home/username/.emacs.d/lisp ? Put the init.el in .emacs.d?


Paul Harper


Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."

Robert Heinlein