On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 11:09 AM numbchild@gmail.com <numbchild@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for your advice. After your code inspiration. I got an idea. After test, it works fine. I try to load `use-package` and `(use-package org :pin manaul ..)` ahead of `(package-initialize)`. Half of the problem is solved.
The another half of the problem is that Emacs still will load built-in org-mode in lisp/org/. I think I can't solve this problem essentially. Because I can't load before Emacs built-in library. Oops.

Org doesn't load automatically.. it autoloads only if you open an Org file or call an org-loading function. After emacs -Q, if you do M-: (featurep 'org), you will get nil. So the user does get a change to set the load path as they want before any package gets loaded.

That's way, I tweak the load-path in the :preface section[1] in the org use-package form. The load-path would be set exactly as I want before org gets (auto)loaded.

[1]: https://github.com/kaushalmodi/.emacs.d/blob/master/setup-files/setup-org.el


Kaushal Modi