Rasmus <rasmus@gmx.us> writes:Actually, dvisvgm might be way to go as it may be possible to leverage
>> Is what I want possible with the new exporter? If so, I imagine the
>> test for the backend must be different now. Any pointers very welcome!
> It needs to be added to `org-html-inline-image-rules' and some
> potential translation should be added to org-html-inline-image-p,
> e.g. substitute pgf or tikz with whatever is the output format.
> Perhaps the dvipng code in ox-html can utilized to obtain a png
> seemingly.
upon all of the dvipng code without much loss of generality. It would
also be useful for equations where one does not want to use mathjax.
It's only packed for Texlive, though.
May contains speling mistake