I found this bizarre thing while doing some babel coding. I start by putting this template together #+name: leibniz_3 #+begin_src lisp :session :exports code :results silent #+end_src Then from this page I copy this code (some 40 lines down) . . . (push (make-rule :goal (first r) :pattern (second r) :action (third r) :name (fourth r)) *rules*) ) into a C-c ' buffer. But when I return to my org buffer (with an additional C-c '), it has done this: #+name: leibtest #+begin_src lisp :session :exports code :results silent (push (make-rule :goal (first r) :pattern (second r) :action (third r) :name (fourth r)) ,*rules*) ) #+end_src Can you spot the difference? Subtle bug as it is, the code now has a comma thrown in on the last line. At first I thought this was some copying crud -- for example, if I simply highlight my code directly off this email (in Chrome/gmail) and try to XWinows-paste (middle wheel mouse click) it in, it throws in weird white-space crud -- but no, this comma add thing is only from doing a C-c ' round trip! And no, it's not an issue of how I put in the code: copy or type -- into the original org buffer or into the C-c ' buffer. Again, just a C-c ' round trip throws in this comma. Odd coincidence, but this might have been legitimate CL code, except the list needs a backquote too. This has been a hair-pulling, all-time-top-ten bug, to be sure. And diff shows only this problem on the whole LEIBNIZ.CL file. Any ideas what's causing this? Lb