On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:48 AM, John Hendy <jw.hendy@gmail.com> wrote:

Awesome that you got it going. Do you still have =(require
'org-install)= in your .emacs? ETA: just checked and you do. I checked
as I had an issue with emacs not using the git version of org because
I stupidly had =(require 'org-install)= before my load paths!

I do have =(require 'org)= in my .emacs.  I never really know whether I'm supposed to do 'org or 'org-install, but this seems to get the ball rolling!

The only thing that stuck out to me was this: =(add-to-list 'load-path
"~/share/emacs/site-lisp/org" load-path)=

D'oh!  I changed that from a ham-fisted (setq ...) to an (add-to-list ...) call, and I forgot to take out the final argument.  Thanks for spotting it.
