I have not done yet, but I do use git for my org repo; however, I commit every 6 hours via cron (and the commit message is a timestamp). I'm planning to do something similar to what you described, but I haven't used org-merged-driver yet. I'll play with it and post my findings, if you do, let us know how it goes as well!
I plan to put my org directory (where I keep among other my agenda
files) under version control and would like to have some sort of
specialized function for that.
My dream setup would be a range of functions hooking into all sorts of
org-mode hooks, automatically committing changes done via the agenda or
other org functions together with a context dependent commit message.
For example, changing a TODO item to DONE would commit this change to
git with the following message:
* Headline title: State changed to 'DONE'
Archiving, refiling, etc. would do similar things.
A use case is automatic, safe synchronization between different machines
and generally having recoverable backups of my org setup.
This setup should work pretty good with org-merge-driver.
Has someone built something comparable to this? I'd like to give it a
try but don't want to reinvent the wheel.
Moritz Ulrich
Moritz Ulrich