1 Changes ========= - support for functional mode (`:results value') - accept variables - don't require package, class, and main definitions - write source and result tempfiles to `org-babel-temporary-directory', but respects the `:dir' header - work with tramp 2 Examples ========== Some examples follow. See the tests for more examples. I'll write proper docs after review. 2.1 Example 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This outputs "hello." If class and main definitions aren't given the code block will be wrapped in generic ones. ,---- | System.out.print("hello"); `---- This is exactly equivalent: ,---- | public class Main { | public static void main(String[] args) { | System.out.print("hello"); | } | } `---- 2.2 Example 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This also outputs "hello." ,---- | return "hello"; `---- 2.3 Example 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This generates the class "Example" in the package "org.orgmode" in the current directory. ,---- | System.out.print("hello, org-mode"); `---- 2.4 Example 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "Hey" class defines a static method but no main. C-c C-c on the "Hey" source block will write "./org/orgmode/Hey.java" and compile it. The "Main" class calls the "Hey" class. C-c C-c on the "Main" source block will write "./org/orgmode/Main.java" and compile and run it. ,---- | package org.orgmode; | | public class Hey { | public static String say() { | return "hey"; | } | } `---- ,---- | package org.orgmode; | | public class Main { | public static void main(String[] args) { | System.out.print(Hey.say()); | } | } `---- Instead of C-c C-c, we could have added tangle headers and written the source files out by tangling. 2.5 Example 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This prints the variable from the header ,---- | System.out.print(msg); `---- 2.6 Example 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This prints "hello, org-mode." The table is provided to the method as a list of lists. message hello, org-mode ,---- | System.out.print(tbl.get(0).get(1)); `---- 2.7 Example 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example returns a list. Note that you're allowed to specify imports without defining the class or main methods. ,---- | import java.util.Arrays; | | return Arrays.asList("message", "hello, org-mode"); `---- message hello, org-mode