
regarding my previous message: I discovered that, by removing indentation, the export works fine.

More specifically, the following snippet produces the error:

%--------- snippet ----------%
** CGI - producing output
   - Example in shell script:
     #+BEGIN_SRC bash
       echo "content-type: text/html"
       echo "<!doctype html publi\"-//w3c/dtd html 3.2 final/en\">"
       echo "<html>"
       echo "<body>"
       echo "it is <b>"`date`"</b>"
       echo "</body>"
       echo "</html>"
%--------- snippet ----------%

%--------- Error ----------%
org-babel-exp process emacs-lisp at line 16...
org-babel-exp process html at line 114...
org-babel-exp process html at line 164...
org-babel-exp process bash at line 270...
byte-code: Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)
%--------- Error ----------%

The following snippet *does not* produce the error

%--------- snippet ----------%
** CGI - producing output
   - Example in shell script:
   #+BEGIN_SRC bash
     echo "content-type: text/html"
     echo "<!doctype html publi\"-//w3c/dtd html 3.2 final/en\">"
     echo "<html>"
     echo "<body>"
     echo "it is <b>"`date`"</b>"
     echo "</body>"
     echo "</html>"
%--------- snippet ----------%

I cannot easily reproduce this behaviour outside of my complex file. I tried on a simplified version containing only the snippet, and there indentation makes no difference.

Unfortunately, I do not have time now to continue my investigation (I have to prepare my slides for tomorrow), however I am available to provide more information if necessary.

Org-mode version 8.3.4 (release_8.3.4-588-g924431 @ /home/lipari/elisp/org-mode/lisp/)

Best regards,

Giuseppe Lipari