Dear all,

I'm trying to define a template for org-capture like below:
(setq org-capture-templates
         ("e" "EMACS" entry (file+olp (concat org-source-dir "/") "EMACS" "INBOX") "* %?" :prepend t)
         ("i" "INBOX" entry (file+olp (concat org-private-dir "/") "INBOX" "-INBOX-") "* %?" :prepend t)

And the file has such structure:
#+-*- coding:utf-8; mode:org -*-
#+STARTUP:    Overview
#+INFOJS_OPT: view:overview mouse:underline buttons:nil ltoc:nil
#+INFOJS_OPT: up:Sitemap.html
#+INFOJS_OPT: home:index.html
#+INFOJS_OPT: path:./theme/org-info.js
#+OPTIONS: num:nil h:3 TeX:nil LaTeX:nil toc:nil f:t \n:t
#+TITLE: Emacs
#+LINK: pdf file:./Emacs/%s.pdf
#+LINK: txt file:./Emacs/%s.txt

* Emacs
*** blabla

It doesn't work, the error message is "progn: Heading not found on level 3: INBOX".

To me, it seems Emacs was trying to find the headline (3rd level) with name of INBOX. But according to my configuration, it should go and find the head of 2nd level. Could anybody give me some hint why it behave like so?

