@David: Saw your other email, so you should be good to go with the files. Sorry for the confusion!

@Nicolas: the patch worked. Hopefully I did it right:

$ cd .elisp/org.git/lisp
$ patch < ~/Downloads/0001..bug.patch


On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 4:07 PM, David Maus <dmaus@ictsoc.de> wrote:
John Hendy wrote:

>Suddenly I'm getting a line with nothing but "nil" between the
>caption and the table when exporting from org-mode to LaTeX.  I swear
>this not happening. I believe I did a git pull on Friday or some time
>last week. The only reason I noticed is that I just set up emacs,
>org, and LaTeX on a new computer and tested an old file to make sure
>the export was working. I then checked my other computer with what I
>thought was a fine install and it's doing it now, too. I originally
>thought I missed something on the new computer, but now I'm wondering
>if it's from the fresh pull.

>I tested three identical tables: 1 "vanilla", 1 with a #+ATTR_LATEX:

Could you provide an example Org file to reproduce this behavior?  It
might be also interesting to know the Emacs version (M-x emacs-version
RET) and Org mode version (M-x org-version RET) you use.  If you
execute these two commands, the version are available in the buffer

 -- David
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