On Tuesday, 28 Mar 2017 at 12:57, Matt Price wrote: > I've never used Vim but I see a lot of people online raving about evil > mode and how much they love it. I'm considering giving it a whirl > after the semester ends & I get some free time. I just wondered > whether any heavy org users here on the list use evil, and if so, > whether you see pain points within org-mode -- my setup is pretty > heavily customized, for instance, and I wonder whether that means it > will be quite painful to use evil. I use evil and org all day long. Basically, there is very little clash between them so they co-exist very nicely. One of the best things about evil is that it is almost orthogonal to emacs and you can continue using most C-x and C-c keymap bindings. In my case, I did add a number of bindings to evil's normal and motion keymaps to avoid typing C-c etc. as my motivation in using evil is to avoid exacerbating my RSI. Almost all my commands are non-chorded key sequences. I barely use the control, shift and meta keys in normal use. -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs 25.1.1, Org release_9.0.5-391-g36c7cf