Hello everyone, How to capture data from a web page to Org-mode ? * What I need I want to be able to capture different kind of information : - Article, to read later - Book, with all its metadata (title, author, subject, etc) - Magazin, to buy later (title, editor, price, etc) - IRL event, that I want to go For each case, different kind of data is needed to be extracted from the web page and passed to Org-capture. * Capture Protocol I know it exist an org-protocol for capture, but after reading the manual (section 17.16.2 The capture protocol), there is something I did not understand. On the URL of the capture protocol, key value pairs can be specified. But are they a predefined set of keys, independent to the capture template, or are they related to the capture template special words (ex: %a) ? Is it possible, with Org-protocol, to pass data to be stored into org entry properties, or an arbitrary string ? * Firefox extension for Org capture I have found 2 extensions for capturing to Org-mode from Firefox: - Org Capture (by Kosta): https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/org-capture/ - org-protocol (by Wojciech Siewierski): https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/org-protocol/ Which one do you suggest ? Best regards ------- Gendre Sébastien PS: I have seen a typo in the manual "17.16.2 The capture protocol": https://orgmode.org/manual/The-capture-protocol.html At the end of the first phrase, it miss a space between the "a" and "capture". Instead of "a capture", we have "acapture".