Hi Giovanni, On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 14:38:28 +0000 (GMT) Giovanni Ridolfi wrote: gr> Well, don't you like the "default" org-mode: gr> with the number of days (1/3) ? No, I think that is very annoying. The only numbers I want to see there are times. What I would want is something like this: Friday 7 December 2007 abba: Gothenburg, Sweden abba: 10:40-12:25 Flight SK 602 Zurich to Copenhagen abba: 14:10-14:55 Flight SK 438 Copenhagen to Gothenburg where the "all day" or "time unspecific" events are listed on top without any time, but properly indented, followed by all the timed events in chronological order. gr> I think your org file should be structured better exploiting the gr> :PROPERTIES: Thanks for the pointer. Indeed it seems that properties can solve a significant amount of the issues, although I had been avoiding them so far as I find them to decrease the usability of the file. When editing a calendar, it is very helpful to see the times and places at first sight so you know that you don't have overlap or gaps. If times are hidden in properties, that is much harder. Also they are fairly cumbersome to edit. gr> appears quite clear to me: "The export will honor SUMMARY, gr> DESCRIPTION and LOCATION properties if the selected entries have gr> them. If not, the summary will be derived from the headline, and gr> the description from the body (limited to gr> `org-icalendar-include-body' characters). " That last part is interesting. It had indeed not occured to me that I could set org-icalendar-include-body to 0 in order to avoid bogus descriptions. Regards, Georg -- Georg C. F. Greve Free Software Foundation Europe (http://fsfeurope.org) President +41 43 500 03 66 ext 400 Join the Fellowship and protect your freedom! (http://www.fsfe.org)