Hi Guillaume, Thanks for picking this up and submitting a patch. Have you considered using `tramp-handle-file-exists-p'? I’m not overly familiar with tramp or this sort of issue, but it looks like it could be exactly what we want. > My Emacs Workflow involves connecting to a dev server over SSH so I can use my > machines as thin clients and avoid synchronizing files, for that I do pretty > much everything over TRAMP as I don’t want to lose the benefits of GUI Emacs. > While everything mostly works impressively fine, I noticed writing my > specifications that ob-plantuml fails to generate diagrams. > > It seems to me that there is a redundant check which uses `file-exists-p` even > if using TRAMP, the plantuml jar is located on the remote server, so it fails > with an error even though the command to actually render the diagrams works > fine. All the best, Timothy