Hello, I can export the following "Variable" to Texinfo with `org-texinfo-export-to-texinfo': - Variable: my-name :: Content... Results in the following .texi: @defvar my-name Content@dots{} @end defvar However, if the variable is named "nil" (without the quotes), the variable name is not exported, and a warning is generated when processing the .texi file: - Variable: nil :: Content... Results in: @defvar Content@dots{} @end defvar When running `makeinfo --pdf file.texi': file.texi:50: warning: missing category for @defvar I saw the "Variable" to "@defvar" conversion is made with `org-texinfo--definition-command-alist' in `ox-texinfo.el', which then gets used in `org-texinfo--match-definition' through the regexp. However, I was not able to see why a "nil" string isn't processed.