Hi Maxim, > Bug: org-src-font-lock-fontify-block should be wrapped with save-match-data > [9.3.7 (9.3.7-4-gba6ca7-elpaplus @ mixed installation! > /mnt/c/Users/toz/Weiterbildung/Soft/Emacs/ and > /mnt/c/Users/toz/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20200615/) > > Notice “mixed installation!”. Often it is source of obscure errors. > > > Maybe link to FAQ item should be added to bug report template when mixed > installation is detected. Since mixed installation can be detected, I would > consider issuing a message during loading of Org mode. Ah, thanks for highlighting this. It sounds like “mixed installation” is a red flag which should prompt a request to reproduce the issue with an unmodified Org. All the best, Timothy