On Fri, 07 May 2010 09:40:55 +0300, katepano wrote: > > Hello All, > I was wondering if somebody managed to use orgmode as atabbed > notebook, like gjots, or the old keynotes program from windows which I > miss a lot or even Ms one note. I tried using tabbed.el or speedbar, > or the sitemap of orgmode but it was not satisfactory. Any way how you > manage to have a lot of files open simultaneously, with the buffer > list? > > Any ideas are wellcome! Having never used any of the other tools you mention, I'm not sure what functionality you are missing or desire. Can you please expand on this? I use a number of tools to manage my buffers including bs-show, ido and org's own org-iswitchb (C-c b). I have used ecb mode as well (which is a bit more powerful than speedbar), especially when I am coding as well as writing, as it supports org files well enough for my uses. HTH, eric