#+TITLE: Testfile for OpenDocumentText Exporter
#+AUTHOR: Jambunathan K
#+EMAIL: kjambunathan@gmail.com
#+DATE: 2010-10-26 Sat
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
#+OPTIONS: LaTeX:dvipng
#+STARTUP: inlineimages overview
* Character Styles
** Bold
*This is bold text*
** Italic
/This is an italicized text/
** Underline
_This is an underlined text_
** Code
=This is a code text=
** Verbatim
~This is a verbatim text~
** Strikethrough
+This is a strikethorugh text+
** Super and Subscripts
Y = a_{0}X^{2}+a_{1}X^{1}+a_{2}
* Miscellaneous
Here is a ndash --, a mdash ---, an ellipsis ....
and a horizontal line
* Paragraph Styles
** Quotation
*** Style1
Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein
*** QUOTE Style2
Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein
** Verse
Great clouds overhead
Tiny black birds rise and fall
Snow covers Emacs
-- AlexSchroeder
** Centered
This is a centered paragraph.
** Example
*** Example Style 1
First line of the example.
Second line of the example.
*** Example Style 2
: First line of the example.
: Second line of the example.
** Source Block
*** Emacs Lisp Block
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun helloworld ()
(message "hello world"))
*** Org Source Block
#+begin_src org
,* Some Appointment
, SCHEDULED: <2010-11-17 Wed>
* Embedded ODT
** Handcrafted Para
This is a handwritten html para
This is a handwritten odt para
** An Equation as Embeded MathML
A trigonometric equation embedded in *MathML*
* Lists
** Simple Lists
*** Numbered List
This is a numbered list.
1. L1N1
2. L1N2
3. L1N3
*** Bulleted List
This is a bulleted list.
- L1B1
- L1B2
- L1B3
*** Description List
There is a nested description list down below
- Term-1 :: This is a definition for Term-1 which wraps around to
the next line
- Term-2 :: This is a definition for Term-2 which wraps around to
the next line
- Term-2.1 :: Definition for Term-2.1
- Term-2.2 :: Definition for Term-2.2
*** A Complex List
1. L1N1
1. L2N2
2. L2N3
2. L1N4
* L2B1
* L2B2
- L3B3
First paragraph.
Second paragraph.
- L3B4
3. L1N5
1. L2N6
1. L3N7
** A Very Complex List
*** Lord of the Rings
My favorite scenes are (in this order)
1. The attack of the Rohirrim
2. Eowyn's fight with the witch king
+ this was already my favorite scene in the book
+ I really like Miranda Otto.
- Definition-1 :: Description-1
- Definition-2 :: Description-2
3. Peter Jackson being shot by Legolas
He makes a really funny face when it happens.
- on DVD only
But in the end, no individual scenes matter but the film as a whole.
Important actors in this film are:
- Elijah Wood :: He plays Frodo
- Sean Austin :: He plays Sam, Frodo's friend. I still remember
him very well from his role as Mikey Walsh in
The Goonies
- Embedded Definition 1 :: Embedded Description 1
- Embedded Definition 2 :: Embedded Description 2
* Images
** Image URLs
See the You can see the official logo of Orgmode here:
** Inlined Images
*** A simple inlined image
*** A simple image with caption and label
#+CAPTION: Unicorn Logo
#+LABEL: fig:1024
*** An image that is explicitly sized
#+CAPTION: Unicorn Logo
#+LABEL: fig:1025
#+ATTR_ODT: (:width 10 :height 10)
*** An image that is scaled
#+ATTR_ODT: (:scale 0.5)
** Thumbnails
This is a clickable image [[http://orgmode.org][./org-mode-unicorn.png]]
** Reference to an Image
Please refer to \ref{fig:1024} for further information.
** LaTeX Fragments
*** LaTeX Fragment1
# See org-format-latex-options
There is a equation down below.
e = \frac{1}{2}mv^2
*** LaTeX Fragment2
If $a^2=b$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be either $$
a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].
* File URLs
** Relative URL
[[../../lisp/org-html.el][This is a relative link to org-html.el]]
** Absolute URL
[[file:~/src/orgmode.org/contrib/odt/OrgOdtStyles.xml][This is an absolute link to styles file]]
* Links
** Targets
*** Fuzzy Target
*** Target with CUSTOMID
:CUSTOM_ID: aabbccddeeff
*** Dedicated Target Style1
# <>
*** Dedicated Target Style2
There is a dedicated target at the end of this sentence -
*** <<>>
** References
*** References to Fuzzy Target
This is a link to [[Fuzzy Target]].
*** References to CUSTOMID links
This is a link to [[#aabbccddeeff][Target with CUSTOMID]]. This is nodesc link to [[#aabbccddeeff]].
*** References to Dedicated Target
There is a link to nodesc [[Dedicated Target]] here. There is a link
to [[Dedicated%20Target][Jump to Dedicated Target]] here.
There is a link to [[Dedicated%20Target1][Dedicated Target1]] here.
*** References to Radioed Links
This section has references to Radioed Target. One more reference
to Radioed Target.
* Tables
** A simple Orgmode Table
| EST | New York | -5:00 |
| IST | Madras | +5:30 |
| AST | Bahrain | +3:00 |
** A formatted Orgmode Table
#+CAPTION: An Example Table
#+LABEL: table:10
| Labels | C1 | C2 | C3 |
| / | < | > | <> |
| | | | |
| R1 (Right) | R1C1 (Left) | R1C2 (Center) | R1C3 (Right) |
| R2 | R2C1 | R2C2 | R2C3 |
| R3 | R3C1 | R3C2 | R3C3 |
| R5 | R5C1 | R5C2 | R5C3 |
| R6 | R6C1 | R6C2 | R6C3 |
** Table.el Table with no Spanning
|Term |Percentage |
|Quarter |25% |
|One-Fourth | |
|Half |50% |
|One-by-Two | |
|Three-Quarters |75% |
|Three-Fourths | |
|Full |100% |
|Whole | |
** COMMENT Table.el Table with Spanning
|Name |cmd calls |Percentage|
+----------+ +----------+
|rgb |93 534 |46% |
+----------+ +----------+
|Xah |82 090 |40% |
+----------+ +----------+
|total |203 118 |100% |
** COMMENT Another Table.el Table with Spanning
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| R1 C1-2 |
| R2 C1 | R2-3 C2 |
+ +----------+
| | |
* Table Referenced
Please refer to \ref{table:10} for further information.
* Footnote Definitions (Part 1)
[fn:XYZ] There is a link to [[http://Orgmode.org][Orgmode.org]].
* Footnote Usage
** Plain Footnotes
Footnote [1]. One more reference to footnote [1].
** Named Footnotes
Footnote named XYZ [fn:XYZ].
** Inlined Footnote
Inlined footnote [fn:: inline definition]
** Named and Inlined Footnote
Named and Inlined footnote [fn:name: named definition]
# Footnote Definitions (Part 2)
[1] Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Quick brown fox jumps ove
the lazy dog.
* About Orgmode
Org is a mode for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, and doing
project planning with a fast and effective plain-text system.
Org develops organizational tasks around NOTES files that contain
lists or information about projects as plain text. Org is
implemented on top of Outline mode, which makes it possible to keep
the content of large files well structured. Visibility cycling and
structure editing help to work with the tree. Tables are easily
created with a built-in table editor. Org supports TODO items,
deadlines, timestamps, and scheduling. It dynamically compiles
entries into an agenda that utilizes and smoothly integrates much of
the Emacs calendar and diary. Plain text URL-like links connect to
websites, emails, Usenet messages, BBDB entries, and any files
related to the projects. For printing and sharing of notes, an Org
file can be exported as a structured ASCII file, as HTML, or (TODO
and agenda items only) as an iCalendar file. It can also serve as a
publishing tool for a set of linked web pages.
As a project planning environment, Org works by adding metadata to
outline nodes. Based on this data, specific entries can be extracted
in queries and create dynamic agenda views.
Org mode contains the Org Babel environment which allows you to work
with embedded source code blocks in a file, to facilitate code
evaluation, documentation, and tangling.
Org's automatic, context-sensitive table editor with spreadsheet
capabilities can be integrated into any major mode by activating the
minor Orgtbl mode. Using a translation step, it can be used to
maintain tables in arbitrary file types, for example in LaTeX. The
structure editing and list creation capabilities can be used outside
Org with the minor Orgstruct mode.
Org keeps simple things simple. When first fired up, it should feel
like a straightforward, easy to use outliner. Complexity is not
imposed, but a large amount of functionality is available when you
need it. Org is a toolbox and can be used in different ways and for
different ends, for example:
- an outline extension with visibility cycling and structure editing
- an ASCII system and table editor for taking structured notes
- a TODO list editor
- a full agenda and planner with deadlines and work scheduling
- an environment in which to implement David Allen's GTD system
- a simple hypertext system, with HTML and LaTeX export
- a publishing tool to create a set of interlinked webpages
- an environment for literate programming
There is a website for Org which provides links to the newest
version of Org, as well as additional information, frequently asked
questions (FAQ), links to tutorials, etc. This page is located at