My Emacs version is 27.2 and Org is 9.4.4.

The value of "org-agenda-sorting-strategy" is:

((agenda habit-down time-up priority-down category-keep)
(todo priority-down category-keep deadline-up)
(tags priority-down category-keep deadline-up)
(search category-keep))

Le 2 avril 2022 23:16:23 GMT+02:00, Samuel Wales <> a écrit :
perhaps try including your code and the emacs and org versins.  i
think there have been recentish changes insorting strategy.

might also try paradoxically deadline-down etc.

On 4/2/22, Sébastien Gendre <> wrote:

In org-agenda, for the todos list, I try to have tasks with deadlines at
top. With earliest deadline first.

But, when I customize the variable "org-agenda-sorting-strategy" by adding
"deadline-up" for "todo" and "tags", it has no effect.

Any advice ?

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