Hi Eric,

On Jun 20, 2010, at 8:14 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:

"Thomas S. Dye" <tsd@tsdye.com> writes:

Removing the blank line doesn't work for me either.

Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_6.36.291.gaf90f)

Hmm, I just tried the above again using the HEAD (same org-version
output as you have above) of the org-mode git repository and a minimal
emacs config, and it *is* working for me, so maybe your problems will be
resolved with an update of org-mode, or maybe they're due to something
in your config?

Ah, I'm finally able to reproduce the problem in my larger file.  Here
is an example:

* No results exported

#+srcname: problem
#+begin_src R
 b <- 4

#+results: problem

The key is that srcname: and results: have the same name.  Changing
the results: name works.

* Results exported

#+srcname: problem
#+begin_src R
 b <- 4

#+results: problem-not

Yes, the key with the above is that babel by default only exports the
code of a code block, which means that if there are results in the
buffer they will be removed on export.  If you want both the code and
the results to be exported then change

 #+srcname: problem
 #+begin_src R
   b <- 4


 #+srcname: problem
 #+begin_src R :exports both
   b <- 4

Hope this helps -- Eric

I didn't pay close attention when the default behavior changed.  Adding #+property: exports both gets me back where I was before.  

Also, following on Nick's message, the captions exported properly to html with absolute paths in the links and with lots of space between the caption and link.  Here's an example that exported properly:

#+CAPTION: Pairwise comparison of six metric variables
#+LABEL: fig:pairwise

#+srcname: pairs
#+begin_src R :results output :var x=whole-adzes :file r/adze_pairs.png
  whole.adze.metric <- x[,c(5,12,15,16,17,18)]
  names(whole.adze.metric) <- c("wt","len","edge","front","back","thick")

#+results: pairs

Thanks for your help.
