Hi Juan,
Thank you for the reply. Yeah, I already had those 2 lines in my .emacs file - and your template setup looks just like mine. I am using the Emacs Cocoa build from www.emacsformacosx.com, and its dated 2009-07-30. Are you using the same build too?

Or does this date-tree feature require a later build of Emacs?


On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Juan Reyero <joanmg@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Avinash Kulkarni <avinashgk@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to get the following template to build a date-tree view in my
> org files that I use with remember mode. But I never seem to be able to get
> it - I am on Emacs 23.1 built for Mac OSX.
> Here are my remember templates:
> (setq org-remember-templates
>       '(("Quick ToDo" ?n "* TODO %?\n  %^{Scheduled for:}T\n"
> org-default-notes-file date-tree)
>         ("Journal" ?j "* %T %?" "~/org/journal.org" date-tree)
>         ("Timer" ?t "* %?\n" "~/org/timer.org" "Timed Tasks")))

This looks very similar to mine, which works nicely in OS-X with emacs 23.1:

(setq org-remember-templates
     '(("Jac" ?c
        "* %^{Title}  :blog:\n  :PROPERTIES:\n  :on: %T\n  :END:\n  %?\n  %x"
        "~/cjr/jac/jac.org" date-tree)
       ("Note" ?n
        "* %^{Title}\n  :PROPERTIES:\n  :on: %T\n  :END:\n  %?\n  %x"
        nil date-tree)))

Did you remember to load it?

(require 'remember)

