Is there a relatively straightforward way to configure or modify Ascii export to include the subtree pointed to at a link instead of the link itself?
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil H:2 num:nil
* <2014-11-14 Fri>
** Order turkey
- [ ] schedule pickup
- [ ] get pepper bacon at pickup
** [[*Countertops][Countertops]]
** WORK some additional stuff
* tasks
** WORK Countertops
*** DONE order countertops
- [X] order countertops
- [X] schedule install
*** DONE order sink
Currently exports like this:
<2014-11-14 Fri>
HOLD Countertops
Order turkey
- [ ] schedule pickup
- [ ] get pepper bacon at pickup
WORK some additional stuff
WORK Countertops
* DONE order countertops
- [X] order countertops
- [X] schedule install
* DONE order sink
What I’d like to see is this:
<2014-11-14 Fri>
WORK Countertops >>>> Note difference here
* DONE order countertops
- [X] order countertops
- [X] schedule install
* DONE order sink
Order turkey
- [ ] schedule pickup
- [ ] get pepper bacon at pickup
WORK some additional stuff
WORK Countertops
* DONE order countertops
- [X] order countertops
- [X] schedule install
* DONE order sink
Of course there’s some issues to resolve such as subtree promotion/demotion, etc. but I think most of them are straightforward at least as far as making this useful