1) When I close a 'TODO'  I get the following:

*** DONE another level
    CLOSED: [2007-01-22 Mon]

How do i get the time into the CLOSED tag like I've seen other people have? (i.e. CLOSED: [2007-01-22 Mon 11:01]

2) When I use org-agenda, I notice that the date formats are significantly different than the data format in *.org files? (i.e. '2007-01-21 Sun' (org file) versus 'Monday 22 January 2007' (org-agenda))  How do I get them the same?

On another note, this module looks great!  I've just started using it.  Previously I was using Planner for awhile and I have 111 separate files over 4 months so I'm trying to bring that down.  This might do the trick.
