On May 6, 2010, at 8:40 PM, katepano wrote: > Hello All, > I was wondering if somebody managed to use orgmode as atabbed > notebook, like gjots, or the old keynotes program from windows which > I miss a lot or even Ms one note. I tried using tabbed.el or > speedbar, or the sitemap of orgmode but it was not satisfactory. Any > way how you manage to have a lot of files open simultaneously, with > the buffer list? > > Any ideas are wellcome! Aloha katepano, I'm not familiar with other programs you mention, so I might be misinterpreting your larger question. On the narrower question about having a lot of files open and creating a view into the open files, Org-mode uses something it calls the Agenda. The Agenda is extremely flexible, so you can create pretty much anything you want with it. I'm guessing that, with a bit of study and experimenting, the Agenda can approximate a tabbed notebook. There is a good Agenda tutorial here: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-custom-agenda-commands.php HTH, Tom