On Sun, 05 Feb 2012 23:07:02 -0800, Jameson Graef Rollins wrote: > Sorry to be so late on this, but I'm not a big fan of this new feature. > I would prefer to always see the subject (or any other field for that > matter) as is. The Emacs UI always replaced blank subjects with '[No Subject]' in buffer names. The printing code also needed something other than a blank subject for buffer renaming. > As a principle I would prefer there not be text replacements unless it's > very clear that text has been replaced. Buttons work because it's clear > they're buttons. This is not the case here, though, since this text > replacement could actually be confused with real text. > > It's also not clear to me why this feature would be needed. I have > never found blank subjects confusing. The field is always clearly > delineated, at least in search and show mode. If it's not clear > elsewhere, maybe we can make the delineation of the subject field > clearer, but leave the actual subject text string alone. > > If some feel this feature is really needed we should at least have a > customization variable. notmuch-unblank-subject? I don't have any good > name suggestions, though. Updating `notmuch-prettify-subject' to use a user configurable string (that can be set to the empty string) sounds like a good idea. Please ensure that the various other bits of code that require something other than a blank subject still work properly.