Sorry for the mess -- too tired to fight with this -- hopefully the content is readable below (will not know before mail leaves...) [image: Virhekuvake] Viestiä ei toimitettu Olet lähettämässä viestiä toisesta osoitteesta tai aliaksesta Lähetysosoite-ominaisuudella. Lähetysosoite-tilin asetukset ovat virheelliset tai vanhentuneet. Tarkista kyseisen tilin asetukset ja yritä lähettää viesti uudelleen. LISÄTIETOJA ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tomi Ollila To: Cc: Bcc: Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 23:11:47 +0300 Subject: Re: [PATCH] configure: fix mktemp call for macOS Hi cannot (easily) attach to the thread from this account, therefore... First, it would be better if TEMP_GPG=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/notmuch.XXXXXX") worked, then the behaviour on Linux would not change. To me it looks like the problem in that one debian bug (i847206) is that the directory pathname is already like 106 octets -- and on Linux the maximun unix domain socket pathname is 108 octets -- gpg socket is probably longer than 1 octet here :D In case of macOS (and BSD, so says internet) max pathname is 104 octets In Ralph's example $TMPDIR is /var/folders/m_/w5lk3r_1495dhnl4l0s96pr00000gn/T/ -- 50 octets. Also probably older system would not have so much longer tmpdir settings that appending gpg socket name would make length pass 104 octets... But I am not personally against "hardcoding" /tmp/ (i.e. ignoring TMPDIR) as prefix location where temporary directory for GNUPGHOME is created (and, again I don't see where it could fail (barring cases similar to xkcd workflow)), but perhaps the behavioural change could be mentioned in the commit message. (BTW: in case of clutter, by default $TMPDIR is not set, and if set then user is responsible of cleaning the clutter. if macOS does its own magic with $TMPDIR (i.e. w/o user's intervention) then os should also take care of the clutter...) (BTW2: I was about to claim that ./configure in notmuch removes GNUPGHOME quickly after its use has ended, but I did not look anything doing that...) Tomi